At the expense of sounding like the local chamber of commerce, I have never in my 25 years here heard of a human being, bitten or attacked by a croc. The breed here are called "Morets Crocodiles" and are much smaller than those in the Nile or Australia. Given that, a 10 ft croc which are here would scare the poop out of me--so I stay out of their way.
One time 20 some years ago, Memo and I were walking upstream in an outlet for Columbia Lagoon just to see what was there—when we realized what was there. We did not want to be the first in Cozumel to end up as croc poop so did a prompt u turn. I think that Memo and I both think the other was chicken at that time but we don't discuss it much.
One other time, way back when, at the old Playa Mac beach I saw a croc try to take a dog who was by the swamp. Didn't work-- but the dog was sure upset.
We cave dive on Cozumel and we see the Crocodile at Aerolito all the time. Back late last summer (August?) there was a Honduran man who apparently went fir a midnight swim and was bitten. German Yanez posted a copy of the newspaper article on Facebook. We were there in September and a local tour guide would bring some cruise ship tours there and slap the water and the croc would swim over. I am guessing he probably fed him and trained him to do that. Sadly the splashing probably got the Honduran man injured. I just got back from 10 days there last Sunday and never saw the crocodile. I hope he hasn't been killed but sadly this often happens when wild animals loose their fear of humans.