Crescent Bay Photos....

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Reaction score
Huntington Beach, CA
# of dives
500 - 999
Here's some quick pics from todays dives. I had an awesome time! Was great meeting new folks! Diving with Nick, Jaime, Bryan and Rex was awesome for sure! And as Jaime mentioned on the main event was a great day overall!! Thanks for setting everything up Nick!! Me and Rex didn't see too much good stuff :( Was scouring for nudi's and eels...but nada.

We heard some "20,000 Leagues" stories of gigantic Octo's from Jaime and Bryan..... so for verification we had Jaime throw his glasses on....


Also spotted was the Aquatic "T-Rex" :D








I agree, there wasn't much nudi action today, and I saw only one eel thanks to Jamie. Not sure its the best spot for macro stuff, nice amounts of fish and great structure though.

Glad you made it out for a dive finally and hope ya had a good time :)
Nice shots!

Always nice to be able to relive a fantastic day!
Nice Photos :)
Nice shots!

Always nice to be able to relive a fantastic day!

Im assuming that your the Jim I met today?? If so...good to meet you!!!:D

Nice pics....I'm still jealous that we didn't get to make that first dive with you guys! Glad you were able to get wet again after 40 long, dry days....glad you were able to make it out to a site that has some structure and interesting things to photograph! :D
Nice pics....I'm still jealous that we didn't get to make that first dive with you guys! Glad you were able to get wet again after 40 long, dry days....glad you were able to make it out to a site that has some structure and interesting things to photograph! :D

Im tellin ya!!!! 40 days?? Damn Im outta shape... I was wiped out when I got home..:depressed:

Nice pics. It was fun diving with you. I was really impressed with how much structure and sea life we saw on a beach dive.

Have fun in Texas!

And Happy late Birthday last Friday!

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