Credit cards in Belize?

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Northern California
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200 - 499
I've read that credit cards get slapped with a big service charge in Belize. Is this the case? Are they accepted at dive shops.

Thanks in advance.

Evening Dave,

Wish I had time to post in detail, but I do recall an extra charge by % when in Belize last January. I recall saving a bunch of website about travel there when planning my vacation. I stayed a week on the main land before heading to a resort for 8 days out on Coco Plum.

When I get off work and get home after a few hours sleep, I'll try to dig through some old e-mails to see if I can find you something. I still have the contacts to the resort I stayed out who is based in Texas so if I can't find anything, I'll give them a call and ask for ya.

Credit cards (Visa & Master) are widely accepted, at dive shops and elsewhere. However, they are disproportionately costly to accept here, and although the business will smile they really won't be enthusiastic. Many will charge you extra.

Amex is NOT widely accepted.

The best way to visit is to bring US$ travellers' cheques, some US$ cash (accepted everywhere), with credit cards just for emergencies.
How about ATM machines at banks, are they the best way to get money while in Belize?
They are a way, but charges tend to be quite high and of course you can only get local currency, not US$. Treat them as a backup and make sure you're suitably equipped, but don't plan on using them.
They are a way, but charges tend to be quite high and of course you can only get local currency, not US$. Treat them as a backup and make sure you're suitably equipped, but don't plan on using them.

Ditto Peter... When ever we go down to BZE, [my parents are there now :(without me] we bring cash and travelers checks :wink:
I've only been once, in February. San Pedro and San Ignacio. Visa & MC were accepted pretty much everywhere I can remember except one chinese restaurant in San Ignacio (Don't laugh - conch chow mein is pretty good), and the Cahal Pech ruins gov't park office. I don't recall an explicit service charge anywhere. That includes supermarkets, gift stores, restaurants, dive shops, hotels, most tourist attractions, etc. Others have said the merchant is hit pretty hard on fees, but as a tourist/consumer that didn't seem very visible to me.

My wife used an ATM once, and the fee was pretty nominal.

The other thing I did was take what seemed like a really silly amount of US $1 and $5 bills for tips and small purchases. US is accepted 2:1 everywhere, officially pegged. Turned out to be a good idea, and I'd recommend it; I was never worried about getting stuck with Belizian money at the end, or having to overtip because of a making-change issue. I'm talking like 50x $1 and 20x $5 for two weeks, enough so that the bulk of paper was noticable. Plus a couple of hundred each in US $20s.
Belize Diving Services on Caye Caulker didn't add any extra charges to our visa purchase. Great dive shop and make sure you dive a lunch dive. Whoever cooks for them does a great job. Our dive instructor was realy great (Pablo Bo).
It depends on what bank issued your card and where you use it. It's not uncommon for some companies to charge you an extra 3 or 4 percent to recover their additional cost of accepting credit overseas. That's why they quote the price as "cash" and if you pay with plastic it's more. There use to be a 5% conversion fee charged by some banks for using your credit card out of the country also.

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