Creation vs. Evolution

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look I write late at night and i try to foster an idea that might get at the truth of something in an original way and not go along like a brainwashed person. Yes I know that I fall short in many a way but this writen communication isn't my bag. I fish buildings for a living. I have learned to trust my own individual idias from experiencing my own ingenuity in problemb solving. For many years I used to believe that I was an inadiquate soul because so many teachers along the way would put down my spelling and punctuation and lower my grades because of it. Later I learned that Hemingway and Shakespear were bad spellers as well. Not to equate myself with those masters but it did reveal to me the pettyness of those who point out problembs in form.
As I write this stuff I am not trying to turn out masterpieces I am only trying to communicate what I precieve to be true. Even when I write fiction or fish stories I am trying to do something positive kind of like the way God did wehen He experimented with dinasaurs. He probably made them so we could have oil and then global warming. Who realy knows. We all know so little and aught to be humble enough to admit it.
I just read in the new Yourk times that Cows and pigs contribute as much to global warming as do cars and trucks.
Patty me boyo, you must know that it is not your spelling or grammar that is at issue here. There are world-class masters at such things among the regulars on this board, and comments concerning comparable solecisms seldom surface.

The problem may not be one of form. Consider content. Fish stories, fish buildings, farting cows, global warming, and experimental dinosaurs are a heady brew.
i try to foster an idea that might get at the truth of something in an original way and not go along like a brainwashed person.

paty = original
others = brainwashed

got it

Later I learned that Hemingway and Shakespear were bad spellers as well. Not to equate myself with those masters but it did reveal to me the pettyness of those who point out problembs in form.

paty = misunderstood genius
others = petty

got it

We all know so little and aught to be humble enough to admit it.

that's the spirit!

no no no, paty, I was not jumping on the band wagon over your literary correctness. I was just pointing out:

1. Don't call the kettle black.
2. I think andy actually meant to use neither as a double negative. (Andy I am sure will correct me, if I am wrong)
3. You getting all defensive about Andy correcting your mis-spelling totally diverged from the original point you were trying to make about atheism, which I am still trying to figure out.

Anyway, for what it's worth, we still luvs ya, paty;)

Let's all get ghetto funky now and dance to the beat of L.A. Style's, 1991 club hit, "James Brown is Dead" this new year's night:D


unlss of course Divechic considers it tooo ghetto for her to shake her money maker to? In that case, we will be dancing to Holy Noise's 1992, semi club hit, "James Brown is Still Alive":fro: Either way, it's gonna get funky


welcome to the board divechic....yes this thread seems to be one of the more contoversial and more confrontational one here at ScubaBoard...and it has nothing to do with diving:freak:
ic....yes this thread seems to be one of the more contoversial and more confrontational one here at ScubaBoard...

I disagree. I say a lot more people get a lot more heated up over other questions, theories and facts.:blinking:
ok cool.

like what?

Anyway, I think we are both right;). I said "one of", meaning it is not necessarily "the ultimate most". It is one in a list of many. And, are you dancing, yet?:monkeydan

PS: Who did your eyeliner and eyelashes in that emoticon you included in your post, red?
Shhhhh, be quiet. I think there is a bot amongst us.

All group hugs are banned until further notice!

like dude, what's to argue??
like dude, what's to argue??
Still presenting an argument I see ... :rofl3:. So how was everyone's Christmas? Anyone get any cool diving gear? AXL72 I know you got something wild ... so what was it? Andy did you get that rebreather? Mine didn't come this year ... I mustv'e been bad or something. :( Maybe next year! :)
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