Ah, Deco... you paint yourself with the very brush that has been used on Christians who have posted in this thread. I seriously doubt that you even bother to click on the links I provided, much less read them. The links provided historical references to Jesus that exist outside of the Bible- sources that include, but are not limited to Josephus.The link to Alexander the Great cited a list historical sources that we base our belief in the existance of him on & when they lived. So, let's try again.
This link provides an interesting break down of the references in the Testamonium Flavianum to Jesus & His brother James, as well as discussing the passage on John the Baptist. Lots of citations from historians of various camps there. &, no, I am not one of those who buy into the "if indeed He could be called a man" & "He was the Christ" camps. Obvious additions by middle ages scribes, IMHO.
We have sources about Alexander written by people who knew him.
We zero accounts of the life of Jesus from the time he lived or by his peers.
Mentions by historians later on, no matter how numerous, do not establish the historical Jesus. I cannot find a simpler way to explain this. Mind you, Yeshua was a popular name and nobody disputes there may have been one or many messianic figures named Yeshua during those times.
The standards for establishing the historical facts about someone aren't just applied to Jesus. Take the example of Apollonius of Tyana.
Apollonius of Tyana - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
He was also a messianic figure who performed miracles and such. However, the historical nature of him can't be confirmed. Jesus is not alone in figures whose historical facts cannot be validated.