In the first book of the Bible, called Genesis in Greek and English, and Bereshis in Hebrew, in Chapter 1, we meet ELOHIM, who does all the creating, apparently. Then in the second chapter, we meet JHVH.
They could be totally different personages, or they could be the same.
Correct. And what is our science teacher who is required to teach creation to do with this?
ELOHIM, who is usually described as a spirit with no bodily features, creates the entire universe in 6 days in chapter 1 of Genesis. When he gets around to creating humanity on the 6th day, he creates male and female together.
JHVH, or Yahweh (originally mistranslated as Jehovah), who is a humanlike deity who walks with Adam and Eve in the garden and shows his hindquarters to Moses, creates everything in one day in chapter 2 of Genesis, except he only creates a male, and then decides later to create a female from his rib.
Imagine our biology teacher explaining those two contradictory versions of craetion to a class and then asking them to talk about them from a scientific perspective.
Which one of these Gods did all this creating, anyway? ELOHIM in 6 days, or JHVH in one day?