Warthaug:And what, pray tell, would be the "other ingredient". Life is simply complex chemistry, chemistry is a product of the physical laws of the universe. In the lab we can interfere with lifes chemistry, and the results of that are exactly what the laws of chemistry dictate. Individual components of living organisms can be isolated, purified, and their chemical functions monitored. There is even a new science called "systems biology" wherein the chemistry is modeled via computer, and amazingly, not only can this accurately reproduce many of life's functions, but it has actually lead to the discovery of new chemical processes.
The only significant difference between life and other complex chemical systems is the presence of heredity - and heredity is a direct product of the very chemistry life is based on.
ok, so take a few shovels full of whatever stuff you want and bring it to life. A single cell would be impressive but it would be really great if we could bring your creation into the conversation and get it's perspective on all this.