Creation vs. Evolution

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Do we consider evolving and mutating the same thing? I may be wrong, but it was my understanding that say when Staph is exposed to pennicillin for an extended period of time, it does not evolve into a different bacteria, it just develops defense mechanisms to counteract the effects of the antibiotics. Kinda like bears hibernating in the winter to defend themselves against the harsh environment. ( Very loose analogy.)

But those are different analogies. The bear changes his habits or "adapts" to the cold while bacteria has to "evolve" or chance genetically? inside to become resistant. I think that is correct.
I'll ask him when I see him.
You know what's really nice? You won't even have to ask! You'll just know. He'll just put the knowledge in your spirit.
Rick †
yup. look at regressive evolution. those jellies at jellyfish lake.

some people are more literal....some people think that might be a little loosely wrapped.

That is a very good example Catherine. They evolved into the way they are, not just adapted or changed the way they do things.
American Heritage Dictionary
ev·o·lu·tion (ĕv'ə-lū'shən, ē'və-)
A gradual process in which something changes into a different and usually more complex or better form. See synonyms at development.
The process of developing.
Gradual development.
Change in the genetic composition of a population during successive generations, as a result of natural selection acting on the genetic variation among individuals, and resulting in the development of new species.
The historical development of a related group of organisms; phylogeny.
A movement that is part of a set of ordered movements.
Mathematics. The extraction of a root of a quantity.
[Latin ēvolūtiō, ēvolūtiōn-, from ēvolūtus, past participle of ēvolvere, to unroll. See evolve.]

evolutional ev'o·lu'tion·al or ev'o·lu'tion·ar'y (-shə-nĕr'&#275:wink: adj.
evolutionarily ev'o·lu'tion·ar'i·ly adv.

Evolution is genetic. Adaptation is not.
When a population changes due to genetics, it isn't evolution. It is adaptation. Not evolution!!!! Something changes for the better to stay alive, is adapting to its environment, not evolving.

Does the mix up here change your argument? This is important for the classes you are taking. See, I did my own research this time...
Not really, it has to do with the frequency of genes in the population.

An antibiotic kills off all but those few bugs that are resistant. If they are permitted to survive then the gene that gives them this resistance will be more prevealent in the population. This genetic shift due to selective pressure is the mechanism of evolution. Similary, those bears that were able to sleep through even just a small part of the winter were more successful and had more offspring, this genotype became more widespread through the population.

When enough of these sorts of changes are accumulated, breeding populations, separate (by behaviour, space, time, etc.) and become separate "species."
A mutation is a change in the genetic code caused by errors during replication. We're talking about changes in allele frequency - how often certain parts of the code recur in a population.

One analogy I like is imagining a bottle full of marbles. Let's say there are 200 marbles in the bottle. 90 are blue, 90 are red and 20 are yellow. Each marble would correlate a section of the genetic code that represents a trait. For example, blue marbles could be sheep with a normal amount of wool. Red marbles could be sheep with only a small amount of wool while yellow marbles could be sheep with a lot of wool. Now imagine shaking up the bottle and pouring out some marbles. Chances are you will have mostly blue or red with few, if any yellow. What we end up with is called genetic drift (albeit a drasticly simplified analogy). Based on simple probability, these population will shift towards having shorter, on average, wool than most other sheep. It not that all the sheep decided it was too warm and it was a good idea to get rid of some wool. The concept isn't hard to apply to other traits. Eventually, what you may end up with isn't even a sheep at all. The tough part is drawing the line. here are a bunch of sites that give evidence for creation.... hope you take time to read them...i actually have studied what both sides, maybe y'all could expand your horizon and see what creationist actually have to say...

This website is run by Carl Edward Baugh who is it's director. His boigraphy is here.


Baugh presides over the Creation Evidence Museum he established in July 1984 in Glen Rose, Texas, near the Dinosaur Valley State Park. He also appears on a weekly Trinity Broadcasting Network show called "Creation in the 21st Century" and is president and Ph. D alumnus of the Pacific International University, which many have accused of being a diploma mill.[1][2][3] He has been given television exposure by the tele-evangelist Kenneth Copeland. He has authored several books on such topics as the age of the universe, dinosaurs coexisting with humans and critiques of evolution. Despite his lack of education in science, some consider Baugh "an authority in Creation Science."
In his 1992 book, Panorama of Creation, Baugh claims that a layer of metallic hydrogen surrounded the early earth. Furthermore, he professes that hexagonal water, or, "Creation water" as he calls it, is capable of healing. Such claims were addressed by scientists as pseudoscience [4], and much work has been done to debunk his theories and claimed degrees[5].
Baugh has claimed several degrees, at one point professing to earning three doctorates.[6] All three "doctorates" are from unaccredited "schools." One is an honorary "Doctor of Philosophy in Theology" from the California Graduate School of Theology (not accredited). Another "doctorate" comes from Pacific International University (not accredited), a distance education only "school" Baugh was the president of. In 2005, Baugh completed a Doctorate degree in Theology from the unaccredited Louisiana Baptist University.

He also believes that "hexagonal" water or creation water is capable of healing.
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