Cozumel Trip Report--ahh warm water

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Enid, Oklahoma
Well, I gotta tell you...Even Cozumel was a little chilly when I was there. The chop was horrible and we were concerned that they were going to close the port on us the day we had to leave...BUT...the diving was beautiful. I dove a couple of places I'd never seen before (Columbia...and Cypress...something...I can't remember the name) but it was one of the most beautiful dives I've ever seen.

I dove with Blue Angel and stayed at Caribe Blu like I always do. I'll dive with Blue Angel again, but probably won't stay at Caribe Blu again. They keep saying they are going to fix the hot water problems...they aren't fixed yet.

Only had one problem this trip. Three of us went. I'm the only diver in the group, but the boyfriend did the "discovery diving". He actually did FANTASTIC...His last dive of the day--(remember this is a brand new--never dived before diver...) 42 feet for 58 minutes. He did a great job. BUT--He had a really hard time getting down the first time. I tried to tell him that most divers do their first dive in a pool and we threw him out in the middle of the ocean and said, "ok, now, go straight down 45 feet after falling on your back 4 feet off of a pressure..."...he didn't appreciate my humor. He woke up the next morning with a nasty reverse block. Took him to the chamber to have the doc check him out. The doctor confirmed the block but told him he would be ok to fly. He wasn't. Perforated the ear drum on descent into Dallas. He was in a world of hurt...and is just now getting over it.

In short, Cozumel was Cozumel. Pushy vendors, gorgeous sunsets and amazing diving. I'm going back in September. I already can't wait.

when in September will you be there? I will be there the last week of September.
Hi Bob! I'll be there the first week! Looks like we are going to miss each other!

oh well, maybe next time. Just dont pee in the water. I want it pure when I get down
LOL...too late...did that this last's sullied forever now...(I'm the queen of SIT unofficial prop checks...)


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