Cozumel fish ID help

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I would like help with an ID for this small fish.

I saw it in Cozumel MX, on a reef at around 40-50 feet as I recall, mid-morning and had a darting behavior but never left it's territory.
It is approx. 3/4 of an inch long and is somewhat neon blue and yellow.
I thought it may be a juvenile angel or butterfly but none of the ID books I have show anything for it.
I tried macro photos of it but it moves so much that this is the best focus I have.

Any ideas?


Your first instincts were good

juvenile blue angelfish, Holacanthus bermudensis

reference the third edition of the Humann/DeLoach book, page 20
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Thanks, you're right. I have that book but saw the size listed as 1-5 inches. This one was definitely less than one inch (infant blue angelfish?). I saw neon colors but the authors use the term "brilliant" blue/white bars. Semantics I guess. All other attributes match though. I also noticed that in my enlarged 3rd edition, it's identified on the first ID page. Doh! Thanks again.

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