Cozumel- All-inclusive, dive resort (or both), or hotel (with no meal plan)???

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Even in our post-wedding budget mode we have decided that we are still taking a dive vacation!!! Based on all the great info on these boards we've decided on Coz as the best 'bang for our buck.' (Our first trip to Coz I might add!!!)

To further try to keep the budget under control we're considering if all-inclusive would be a better choice. All-inclusive is not something hubby and I would normally be into (we like to go out and explore topside just as much as bottom) but if it is more cost efficient we'll do it.

:profile: Is all-inclusive the way to go in Coz or are the restaurants resonable enough that a hotel with no meal plan would come out about the same?

:profile: If we're going to go all-inclusive should we go to a dive resort?

:profile: How is October for weather, diving, water temps, etc.? (I'm aware that it's the end of hurricaine season) Or shoud we consider another time of year?

Basically, right now we're considering The Fiesta Americana and Scuba Club Cozumel. Any other ideas? (You should know I'm on the picky side)

Any personal experience and specific recommendations are greatly appreciated!

PS- Aircondiitoning is a MUST
You will get opinions on both sides of this issue. Personally, I would recommend SCC if you are really into diving. It's located on the shore while FA is across the street from the water. At SCC you can grab a tank and go diving in front anytime. The food is wonderful and although there maybe better places to eat in town, we are usually so tired from all the diving we are doing we wouldn't want to have to go into town to hunt for a place to eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner! If you are into partying, then SCC is probably not the place for you; it's full of divers who usually go to bed early and get up early to eat breakfast and then go diving.

October will be warm/humid with water temps ~84 degrees. The odds are in your favor as far as being inconvenienced by a hurricane.

IMHO SCC is your best bet.
The other thing that is a must at that time of year is Trip Insurance. It's almost the height of hurricane season and it's one reason we have always gone to Aruba, Bonaire or Curacao at this time.
I agree with both posts. I have stayed at both SCC and the former Fiesta Americana, now with some new goofy marketing-type name. SCC is good value. A very professional operation. However, when you get tired of their food, splurge and go into to town because the restaurants are terrific!

By the way, our next Coz trip is in March, we are staying at the the ex-Fiesta and diving with Aldora Divers. We eschewed a package to avoid the slow boats and to enjoy the restaurant choices in town. Different ******s!
You might want to move this to Mexico for starters.
Coz has so many good rest. that the AI option has never been an option for us. We don't drink much so if your wanting to take advantage of that then obviously there is a consideration. FA is great location for diving. About a 40-50 peso ride to town so no big deal. SCC is ok but not in FA league. October is fine. We go to Coz May, Sept and Oct for last 5 years and have not had any problems....though you can. Trip Insurance....NA for me.
Thank you all for your opinions and advice.
jlyle- Thanks for the water temp quote. Do you think a 3mm shortie should be ok? We should be ok temp wise, but how much do we have to worry about scrapes and stings?
TedJ- That's why we went to Aruba for our honeymoon and OW cert. But realistically, what is the likelihood of actually getting hit? I thought it was the END of hurricaine saeson.
ckerl-good to hear from someone who's stayed at both! Are there cheap places for breakfast/lunch in or near the Fiesta? we don't want to have to go far for a cheap breakfast/lunch before or after diving.
5615mike- Thanks, I have reposted over in Mexico. "SCC is ok but not in FA league"- good to know especially since I have a small princess streak. Good to know you've been to Coz in Oct without event.

Again everyone thanks! Keep the great experience and advice coming! See you over in the Mexico forum!
Most divers in 84 degree water don't need any neoprene. I dive in a lycra skin for sun protection. On the other hand, my wife, who gets cold, wears a 5mm with hooded vest! Go figure. I have carried a 3mm with me each August as cheap insurance. You really shouldn't be anywhere near enough to the reef to get any scrapes/stings. YOur shorties should be just right.

BTW I'm not sure I agree with 5615mike re "SCC is ok but not in FA league." FA is more your American "Holiday Inn" type of place. SCC has a lot more ambience and atmosphere. Everyone to his own opinion. Whichever place you choose, spend some time while you are on the island and look at some of the other venues for when you return...because you will want to go back! It's addicting.

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