Since I finally had a minute thought Id do a quick trip report. 1 week old but:
Found that the American Airlines flight out of DFW was a little pricey but I did enjoy getting to the airport a 9:00AM and having a confirmed seat no waiting. Nice flight down and on the ground by 1:45PM.
Weather was rainy the first day and really as hot as Ive ever seen Cozumel after that. Very little breeze. Enjoyed several restaurants but always seem to enjoy the French Quarter the most.
Diving with one of the Pretenders, Liquid Blue was really nice. We had Jorge as Dive Master two days and Roberto as Dive Master once. Both boats were comfortable and the max divers on the crowded day was 5 divers + Jorge.
PST steel 120s allowed my average dive time to be more than an hour. Shortest dive was 57 minutes and longest dive was 70 minutes. Nice long surface intervals at the regular Liquid Blue stop. Michaela was usually waiting for us at the surface interval to be sure everything was alright.
My dive computer showed the average water temperature to be 82 and most spots it was 84. For me the 3 mil suit I brought was too much but a couple of people still wore hoods. I had to keep scooping water into my suit to cool down.
Dive sites:
Columbia, Tunich, Cedar Pass, Las Palmas, Devils throat (thats 13 times), Dalila, and a shore dive at LaCeiba.
Nice assortment of the regular aquarium of Cozumel marine life along with some Turtles and a few Sharks.
Got really sick with flu like symptoms the last day but the 10 hours at the airport waiting for American Airlines to get a plane to Cozumel wasnt as bad since theyve fixed up the airport from the old days. They have seats now!
Thats the best I can do before Miller time here is Texas.
Found that the American Airlines flight out of DFW was a little pricey but I did enjoy getting to the airport a 9:00AM and having a confirmed seat no waiting. Nice flight down and on the ground by 1:45PM.
Weather was rainy the first day and really as hot as Ive ever seen Cozumel after that. Very little breeze. Enjoyed several restaurants but always seem to enjoy the French Quarter the most.
Diving with one of the Pretenders, Liquid Blue was really nice. We had Jorge as Dive Master two days and Roberto as Dive Master once. Both boats were comfortable and the max divers on the crowded day was 5 divers + Jorge.
PST steel 120s allowed my average dive time to be more than an hour. Shortest dive was 57 minutes and longest dive was 70 minutes. Nice long surface intervals at the regular Liquid Blue stop. Michaela was usually waiting for us at the surface interval to be sure everything was alright.
My dive computer showed the average water temperature to be 82 and most spots it was 84. For me the 3 mil suit I brought was too much but a couple of people still wore hoods. I had to keep scooping water into my suit to cool down.
Dive sites:
Columbia, Tunich, Cedar Pass, Las Palmas, Devils throat (thats 13 times), Dalila, and a shore dive at LaCeiba.
Nice assortment of the regular aquarium of Cozumel marine life along with some Turtles and a few Sharks.
Got really sick with flu like symptoms the last day but the 10 hours at the airport waiting for American Airlines to get a plane to Cozumel wasnt as bad since theyve fixed up the airport from the old days. They have seats now!
Thats the best I can do before Miller time here is Texas.