Great drone footage sideways. I also had my drone down but didn't get a chance to fly much with the wind. I actually put it in the ocean the year before. $2000.00 down the drain! I have a few questions for you on that. Do you use polarized or ND filter? What camera and settings do you shoot in typically? Protune if shooting GoPro? Post color editing? For your underwater shots what camera? Here is a short video I have done underwater with the new Gopro4
Wow... how did that happen (Water crash)? Was it a Phantom? I use the polar ND filters. 3 pack here.....Frame2.0-FPV Quadcopter Filter 3-Pack Honestly though, affter experimenting, I just use the clear ND off the 3. It gets rid of the Jello effffect, which is the main function of the ND's on the gopro/quad set up. I occasionally have used the 2nd filter, which has a light tint for glare reduction, but only on a super bright day over reflective surfaces. The vid on here was with the clear ND. As far as UW Vid, I have a canon S30 vixia in a Light and Motion housing with 2x Sola 1200's. The key, as your aware, with UW vid is white balance. With my set up I can manually WB at anytime during the dive. That makes all the difference in the world. Your vid looks great! It doesn't have the trademark purple saturated water that most gopro's, including my gopro 4 black, normally have. Not sure if that's because of your editing skills or a particular filter. Are you using the macro mate mini for your macro? I don't use protune, I prefer the natural color and contrast scheme. I can always adjust a bit post production.
Here's a Coz vid from 2013 with my rig. Still working on this years....LOL Slacker that I am!
Wow........what awesome vid and pics.........
And I agree - Aries is AWESOME. I hope to dive with him on my next trip for sure, though I had my best dives ever with Pedro @ BXTsea last week!
Thank you Sir :cool2: Yeah... Aries is awesome!