Coz in August?

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Ottawa, CANADA
I've been reading through many posts but I cant seem to find any info on Coz in the summer months (end of August in particular).

I'm assuming its low season at that time, but how is the weather? Anyone been there around that time?

and in 3 words, it was HOT HOT HOT. Very humid too and with all the rains the mosquitos were really bad. It did rain some, mostly at night, which was great for cooling things off, but then the mosquitos would come right back out in force. But that's just summer in the tropics--what else would you expect? The ocean was great though...just stay underwater and you should have no trouble whatsoever! :)

And I went toward the beginning of Aug and the island was busy--everyone was taking one last trip before school starts. So I would wait until the end of Aug to go so you can avoid the crowds. Low season starts around the middle/end of Aug and goes to Thanksgiving and then again until Christmas.
cxg31s once bubbled...

Low season starts around the middle/end of Aug and goes to Thanksgiving and then again until Christmas.

Low season on Cozumel is April - October.
according to the guidebooks, but it's not the case anymore, at least in Coz. I have several friends who work on the island and I had to hear their stories of economic woes from Aug until the week of Thanksgiving rolled around. Once school started the middle of Aug, the # of visitors staying in hotels on the island decreased, as did the # of cruise ship visitors since the cruise ship season slows down around the end of summer as well.

The tide of tourism in Coz is changing. More people are travelling over the summer due to the great deals offered by the charter companies and school schedules. Ask anyone who has to earn a living on the island and they will tell you the same: Low season now runs from the middle/end of Aug until Thanksgiving and then there are a few slow weeks until high season kicks back in the week of Christmas.
My husband and I went the third week in Aug. Had a great time.
Yes, it was hot, but when you are in the water most of the time,
doesn't matter too much. Then again, I also like the hot weather.
We would go back in Aug. There seemed to be a steady flow
of people in and out of the hotel we stayed at, but we never
felt crowded, which was nice. All of the stores and restaurants
were open as well.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to e-mail me.
We have spent every August for the past 13 years in Cozumel. Yes, it's hot/humid, but not too bad near the water. It's low season, the prices are right, and there are fewer "pod" people in town.

The downside is that it is hurricane season and you run the remote risk of a storm. Having said that, we have only lost two days of diving in all the years we have been going; knock on wood.
It will be dang hot!

Being from Texas, I love it like that! All the clothes you need is flip flops, shorts.. and a light colored t-shirt. I would also recommend a hat.

I stay pretty tan in the summer due to outdoor activity here in Texas. It helps keep me from getting sunburned too bad if I go down for some summer diving. I always try to use a t-shirt or a shady part of the boat for my sun protection instead of sunscreen lotion. Sunscreen can come off in the water and it's not very good for the reef.

As far as underwater exposure protection in the summer, it's more for protection against rash or stings than for warmth (although I don't touch the reef, better safe than sorry). Any heat you lose diving will be gained back during your surface interval, which won't quite be the case if you go in January. I also take a wide brim, lightweight boonie-type hat to keep sun off my face and neck (again, it cuts out the need for sunscreen). The water temps down there stay pretty constant. 78 - 81 degrees, give or take.

Being from Texas, and especially after living in North Dakota for a couple of years when I was younger, it can't get too hot for me, but if your from Canada, it might take you a little while to get used to the heat so be mindful of the heat and humidity and dress accordingly, don't over exert yourself outdoors, stay hydrated,.. and I always jump in "big blue" whenever I get a chance whether it's diving or just hanging out at the beach... although a pool will suffice. :)

The nights will most likely be warm (as in like 80 to 90 degrees or so), but with a breeze and no direct sunlight, it will be quite's the direct sunlight that'll get ya, so try to avoid being out in it for long periods of time without a place to cool off.

There's nothing I love more than roaming around San Miguel dressed only in shorts, t-shirt, sandals and my floppy hat and sunglasses...true beach bum attire! :)

Dang! Every time I answer one of these questions on the board I start jonesin' for a trip down! Man! I love that place!......well, I'd love to stay and chit chat, but I'm off to the Funjet website to peruse the deals! :D
... either i was too drunk to notice or already forgot :rolleyes: . But last August - was allright ...

Let's see what Olga has to say... Ol'chik.....
I guess my husband has a short memory but the second half of August 2003 was great.We were lucky to miss all the storms that took place at that time.We stayed 1st week in Playa del Carmen and watched thunderstorms over Cozumel.For the 2d week we moved to Cozumel and the storms covered Playa.So in Cozumel was hot in the day time when we were diving anyway and pleasantly cool in the evening-perfect combination.After overcrowded Playa Cozumel seemed a nice quiet place,at least I didn' t notice that people and cruisers bothered us.I found out later that this is so called "european season" with many Italians,French and Swiss.We even made great friends.As it was our first time in Cozumel I don't know if prices were up.I loved Cozumel very much,so I just couldn't wait till next summer:my husband and I made each other X-mas gift-tomorrow we're flying to this beautifiul place again!Hurray!

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