1. (Q) "I don't understand how anyone could assume or believe that there is any implication that with your donation that should you need a ride it is free. Where is the "Free" ride belief coming from?"
(A) Apparently because of the way the "dollar insurance" is presented by dive ops who may be intentionally misrepresenting it or may actually misunderstand what you get for your dollar. I spoke with the owner of at least one major dive op on Coz who was quite confused about it.
Also, I've seen it presented on some Coz dive op websites where it in essence says to me, "You get free chamber treatment."
People like to believe in free lunches despite the old saying about them
2. (Q) "What do you mean when you say that "DAN insurance might not pay what I want?" I am symtomatic and they MIGHT not take DAN as payment at chamber in COZ? Do I understand you correctly? In what instance might DAN not pay for treatment?"
(A) I cannot find in my post where I said, "DAN insurance might not pay what I want?" so this a bit hard to answer.
DAN won't pay for covered services until your primary health care provider/insurer (if you have one) first handles its obligations. A secondary insurer like DAN won't pay your whole tab if it can get off by paying only the deductibles remaining from your primary coverage.
And, even when the financial ball is in DAN's court, it may not pay for services it deems "not medically necessary." This is why DAN insists on being contacted immediately--so that it can monitor & control treatment for which it may be asked to pay.
3. (Q) "Why in the world would any diver not buy DAN or similar treatment insurance? Very few health insurance carriers are going to make payments on chamber rides especially when it's going to be out of network and probably out of the country."
(A) Beats me why someone would pass on top quality dive accident insurance when its costs less than $100/year.
Best regards.