I FINALLY FINALLY convinced my partner to go to Cozumel (end of March) and we paid for the whole trip yesterday. We'll already be vaccinated, and we had to rearrange our flights to go through Portland, OR so we could get an instant PCR test at the airport in order to return home to Hawaii and now we need to get another test the DAY BEFORE in order to return to the USA? What the actual bleep. When I tell him he's going to want to immediately cancel the trip.
I hope you are right that the airline will step up to the plate and offer the tests. That would be nice.
You mean antigen test? There is no such thing of instant PCR. It’ll take at least 2 days and $130/test the last 2 times I took them. Antigen test would only take <2 hours to get the result and some resorts can do it for free or very cheaply. No biggy.