Hey, don't knock film :shocked2:
Hey, who's knocking film?
I love film. I shot a half-dozen frames on Tri-X using my FE2 last week, and tomorrow I'm going back to a place I shot on digital the other day to shoot the same subject on film. No matter how I try, I just can't simulate the tone curve and the grain of Tri-X, so I'm still shooting film. Slide film, on the other hand. Slide film and I, we have a sort of a strained relationship. As I said, I never seem to be able to nail the exposure, at least not without extensive bracketing.
But let's face it, digital is more convenient. Post-processing (IOW what we did in the darkroom with film, chemicals and paper) in the comfort of my living room, the only necessary preparations is turning on the PC. Color balance? Who cares? Fix it in post, no reason to worry about daylight vs tungsten balanced film. The cost of an extra exposure is zero, which gives us better opportunities for experimentation. On the other hand, it's very easy to use a shotgun approach to shooting and forget about pre-visualization of the shot.
Now, where did I put my FE2? I have to pack it in the bag with the tripod and my 200mm for tomorrow
PS: Nice shots, BTW!