Costa Rican Currency

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I found ATM's scarce around Playa del Coco and Playa Hermosa, so I was stuck changing money at the hotel and paying USD most of the week. At least I remembered to take small bills. Depending on the vendor the exchange rate was pretty reasonable - usually 450 - 495 Colones per USD.

The 2000 Colone note made a good souvenir - it has a hammerhead and a dolphin on it.

We're flying out to Guanacaste CR on the 26, and I still have to get some money changed over to colones.

I usually try to take a couple of hundred US$ and a couple hundred in the local currency because things like cab rides tend to be a lot cheaper in the local currency than US$.

Do most tour companies take colones or just USD? What size bill is going to be most useful? Last time I went to Cozumel the bank stuck me with a batch of huge bills I had to get changed at the hotel.
Just got back from Costa Rica. We found that almost all businesses will take US dollars as payment, and give change in colones at pretty much the same exchange rate (495 colones per USD). Just make sure that they will give you this rate. We never exchanged money at a bank.

ATMs are a pain in the backside, as most will limit withdrawals to 10,000 colones or $20. Given the cost of living in CR this will not get you very far.

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