Costa Rican Currency

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We're flying out to Guanacaste CR on the 26, and I still have to get some money changed over to colones.

I usually try to take a couple of hundred US$ and a couple hundred in the local currency because things like cab rides tend to be a lot cheaper in the local currency than US$.

Do most tour companies take colones or just USD? What size bill is going to be most useful? Last time I went to Cozumel the bank stuck me with a batch of huge bills I had to get changed at the hotel.


Most places take US$ but you get a better deal with colones. When I was there this summer the exchange was like 460 colones per dollar. When paying in US$ they gave me 400 per dollar (easy conversion in their favor). I'm trying to remember what size the bills came in?? I do know, however, small bills are much better as most places don't have much to make change with. Have a great time. CR is a beautiful place.

We're flying out to Guanacaste CR on the 26, and I still have to get some money changed over to colones.

I usually try to take a couple of hundred US$ and a couple hundred in the local currency because things like cab rides tend to be a lot cheaper in the local currency than US$.

Do most tour companies take colones or just USD? What size bill is going to be most useful? Last time I went to Cozumel the bank stuck me with a batch of huge bills I had to get changed at the hotel.



I just run in to the exchange at the airport prior to departure!!! Are you flying into Liberia or San Jose???

We're flying into Liberia. At the rate the week is going, I may be left going to the exchange too!

Really looking forward to it.

We're flying into Liberia. At the rate the week is going, I may be left going to the exchange too!

Really looking forward to it.

You are lucky to be flying to Liberia. I flew to San Jose and drove to Guanacaste. Very nice to see the country but was a long haul!!!! Enjoy your trip wish I was headed back.
Hi there:

The exchange rate is right now around 495.00 colones per US $1. Just use 500.00, easier to calculate how much in US$. The largest bill we have is the 10,000 colones (almost $20). I'd recommend you ask for some 5,000; 2,000 and 1,000 ones (the last ones especially convenient when paying cab rides or beer!)

Good luck and good diving.


I tried to exchange money at my bank yesterday. Turns out that they don't exchange Colones period. Not just that they didn't have any in branch. The bank can't/won't even bring them in for me. Looks like I'm left with the F/X desk at the airport or changing money at a bank or the resort when I get there.

How common are ATMs in the area?

5 more days!

Hi...I spent 2 years in Costa Rica. I'm so jealous!!! I wish I was going. ANYWHO... There will be ATM's in Liberia to get colones. Alot of places take USD. Smaller bills are preferable. The 10,000 colones notes will get you grumpy ticos. As will $20 for a smaller purchase :) Some of the ATM's were finicky with regard to what cards they took, but we had a small local KS bank when we were there. If one doesn't work, just try another. We found that we could use Banco Popular ATMs and Scotia Bank ATMS. I would get money in Liberia before you head down. Flamingo probably has tons of ATM's but they were a little more scarces in Playas Del Coco and Hermosa (not sure which area you are going to dive) SIGGGHHH...Have fun!!!
There's a Banco Nacional with an ATM at Playas del Coco. However, I don't think the bank would operate on normal schedule during the last week of December and who knows if they replenish the ATM regularly which I'm sure it's going to be very visited.

As has been said, most wise thing to do is get cash in Liberia. There's an ATM at the "Do it Center" store very close to the airport (on the main road that passes in front of the airport) which dispenses dollars and colones. I used it a few months ago and it works with Cirrus and Plus Visa credit cards.

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