Costa Rica

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100 - 199
Heading to Playa Hermosa, Guanacaste area of Costa Rica at the begining of April - would love to hear about good experiences with any of the dive shops there - both of us are relatively new divers, I am AOW with 37 dives and my friend is OW with 7 dives. Like everyone else prefer diving from smaller boats with smaller groups!
Thanks for any help
I've been there many times..well, not to Playa Hermosa...but, to Guanacaste. I have dove with Ocotal Diving at the Ocotal resort and with Deep Blue right down the street from Playa del Coco and i've never had any problems with neither of them. they often only do small groups...maybe 3-4 people on the least that's what's happened when i've gone down.
Dived with Deep Blue several times - nice couple run the outfit, in the Hotel Coco Verde in Playas del Coco town. Costa Rica diving is similar to that of Baja California. Along the Northwest Coast, everyone has their favorite beach, usually just for personal preferences really. You may like one place more than another. Do a deal: dives and hotel room with one place, and when you're not diving, hire someone to drive you around the area and visit the other beaches and towns to get the flavor of the place. Pretty laid back...

Some maps from the Deep Blue website:
thanks very much - out of interest - wetsuit wise - what do most people there wear? I normally use my 3" shorty when diving in Hondaras and Belize - is the pacific much cooler?
thanks very much - out of interest - wetsuit wise - what do most people there wear? I normally use my 3" shorty when diving in Hondaras and Belize - is the pacific much cooler?

Yes. Same as the difference between California and Florida. In April you will face currents that can be be around 65 degrees F. You'll need at least a 5m suit. You can always rent one, you should get a good price for a weekly rental.
Is it safe to assume that in March the water will be colder?
Water temps depend on currents - in March the water's cool, 68 degrees F, you'll need a 5-7mm. Day time temps can get up into the high 80's, more like Cabo than Corpus. It's not a big party place, though... don't touch someone's daughter there, Ag.
I've dove there at different times of the yr. I were only a skin and i'm one to get cold easily and i've never had a problem with a skin suit. the water is cooler than Bonaire etc. but, again i've never felt it to be too cold.
I was there last April and the water temp was mid-60s. I wore a 7/5 semi-dry and was comfortable. There were people that wore 3s and were shivering.

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