costa rica playa del coco trip report jan2008

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québec canada
I just came back from Costa Rica playa del Coco in Guanacaste.
We were 4 divers include my wife . I did 14 dives with Summer Salt Dive Center.
The owner of the shop is Patrick and he take care of us he do a good job.
After each day they take charge of your equipment and they rinse all your stock
the next day when we go on the boat everything is there and ready your BC is set
on the bottel. Betwen the dive they have lunch ,pineappel cantaloup cookies and drink.
For the dive we start 20 jan 08 we have win and small wave temp.water 78 degre
and visibilite 40 feet it's not the better but they have so much fish and marine life
lot of ray ,muraine ,school fish ,white tip shark,seahorse , so we really appreciate the place. The last dive was 14 feb and we have a cold current water temp .66 degre ,
i recommand you a 5mm wet suit with the top if you need more they have that at the shop . we stay in a condo the name is cocomarindo it' new and everything is clean.
we have 2 bedroom + kitchen with living-room all piece have AC ,BBQ outside , a nice swimming pool 150 ft long and if you want the men have a moped to rent . he charge 1800$ for the month or 500$ a week if you want is coord. just write me .Food is excellent and everything is fresh . In 1 month no rain always sunny 73 to 81 during all day that the paradise . IT'S A SAFE PLACE.
So we had a good time.
Excuse my english I'M a French Canadian


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