Costa Rica - July or December

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North Carolina
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200 - 499
From a diving prespective which time is better - after Christmas or the last two weeks of July.

What about from a land activities perspective.

My kids want to go and we would probably do one week dedicated to diving and one week dedicated to land based activities.

Thanks to all !
Hey Dan, I just logged in to ask the same question. We'll probably go before Christmas though. I hope some folks answer your post soon. ;>)
Hi Deputy Dan,

How are you? I would say come visit us in July. The diving is normally better than in December although it can be really good then as well. I know July is rainy season , but that doesn't really influence the diving here in Playas del Coco/Guanacaste, because we don't have to deal with a lot of river run offs.

When it comes to excursions on land. In the rainy season it doesn't rain all the time, it can rain a couple of hours a day, mostly in the late afternoon or at night, but sometimes it doesn't rain at all for days or even weeks... Guanacaste is considert to be the dryest part of the whole country, which means it can be extremely warm in december, less beautifull as well, because everything is brown/greyisch and dry.

On the other hand, in the rest of the country it can rain as well from time to time outside the rainy season... Can you still follow :)

Let me know if I can answer more of your questions.

Have a great day.


Martin and Brenda van Gestel
Rich Coast Diving Co.
PADI 5* IDC center
Rich Coast Diving - Costa Rica Diving and Adventure
telephone: +506-2670-0176
December is on the beginning of the dry season what makes Costa Rica still green but no rain is almost guaranteed, but it can be quite windy, especially in the northern partsof Costa Rica.
December to end of April at the central pacific is the best and driest time to dive and enjoying the huge masses of fishes populating our volcanic rock formations. We had this season excellent diving conditions in December with lots of whale sightings, sharks a gogo (as usual) and a unbelivable amount of fishes.

Definintely December if you are looking at the central/southern pacific. Its the start of dry season and we get some nice currents that can bring in the big fish. Land excursion, anytime really, with zip-lining, rafting, running all the time.
I've been leading trips to the Cocos since 92 and next year's trip, which is already half full, will be my 12th time there. There is no question in my mind that your July dates are the better ones. I am not saying this just because my next trip being led there is July 29-Aug.9th, 2011 but because I will only go there during the best times which is Costa Rica's rainy season from late May through Early Sept. It is the rains that bring in the nutrients which bring in the fish which attract the sharks. The Cocos are known for their large schools of hammerheads. The white tips and marble rays are pretty much there year round but not the hammers. There is plenty of info on my website at: and here is a film shot from just one trip in the summer of 2008: Sea Below, What's Beyond? on Vimeo Of all the places around the world I have dove, for large pelagic marine animals the Cocos are my favorite but I would not consider taking people there during the winter and spring months. Its not that you wouldn't have a great time, but you wouldn't see the huge schools of hammers and probably not the whale sharks either.
I have 10 spots left for next years trip, but even if you don't go with me, feel free to email me with any questions or concerns you may have and I will try to help.
Steve Douglas
Tastes Great - Less Filling

July - December

Well I guess it all depends upon the perspective of the source of the opinion. You didn't specify where in C.R. you were interested in diving. Like many have said the Pacific rainy season is from May through November (although Guanacaste province is a semi arid desert so rain is kind of a relevant thing there). From Quepos south to Panama, C.R.'s rainy season will produce more river runoff during the rainy season. (Just makes sense doesn't it?) Cocos Island is way, way, way off the coast, so it isn't affected so much by the rains than by changes in ocean currents. I will defer to those with more knowledge about the island than I as which time (July or December) is a better dive month.
C.R.'s Caribbean coast is almost always wet, with large amounts of river runoff affecting the reefs at most times of the year. Better to go to Honduras' Bay islands if you want to dive the Caribbean than C.R.

Personally, having dived during both months on the Pacific and the Caribbean, I prefer December, as the weather tends to be a bit more mild (for me not the little fishies).

Just my $0.02
Diving the Caribbean is a whole different ballgame than diving the Pacific and, as for the Caribbean, maybe diving in Dec is best. Can't say myself as it has been 20 years since I last bothered with it. The Cocos are in the Pacific, 320 kilometers off the coast of Punteraneous and there is island runoff when it rains. Diving the Northern part of Costa Rica where Rich Coast Diving and other shops are was a big dissappointment to me when I was there for 3 weeks filming a promo. The vis was poor most of the time, the boat to Bat Island was like a cattle boat and, well, it just wasn't the Cocos. That was a long time ago though.
I haven't dove there, yet, although a friend with a boat out of Puntarenas is trying to get me to go. Going to keep track of this forum for sure for referrals.

Land activities are endless in Costa Rica. I am quite fond of La Fortuna de San Carlos, which is at the foot of Volcán Arenal (active volcano - you can watch the lava flow down at night). In that immediate area there are also two natural hot springs bathing parks... Tabacon and Baldi. I personally love Baldi Hot Springs. Haven't been to Tabacon yet, but hear it's much pricier. Also tons of eco activities around there, as well... waterfalls, hiking, wildlife excursions, you name it.

If you spend any time in San Jose, go to Avenida Central, down near Teatro Nacional. Lots of fun vendors and neat little shops, cool restaurants, et cetera. Back when I was there, that neighborhood wasn't so great at night, though. You can also veer away from San Jose and see Volcán Irazu... which is pretty cool.

Have tons of fun.

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