Costa Rica East Coast in December

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Calgary, Alberta, Canada
# of dives
50 - 99
Hey Guys,

My Dad wants to treat the family to a vacation to Costa Rica instead of presents under the tree this year for christmas, and I have been charged with gathering Information. Does anyone know of any hotels/resorts/anything that is good on the east coast of Costa Rica? How is the diving East coast do I bring my underwater housing? are there any good tours in the area?

I will be doing alot of reasearch and finding alot of stuff on my own but its always good to hear from you guys and find out what is actually good instead of whatever you read on the internet.

a friend of mine went to Cocos island in Costa Rica. This is "the" spot for diving with hammerheads. From what I've understood from his video and talks, this is indeed one of the top locations for diving.
You're right, it is but you have to go at the right time of year which happens to be their rainy season. That doesn't mean it rains all the time but it is the rains that drain nutrients from the islands bringing in the fish and hammers and other sharks. Here is a video from the last time I was there in 2008.Sea Below, What's Beyond? on Vimeo
I am leading another group there next July 3--Aug 9th which are great dates to go and it will be my 12th trip there. However, we only have 3 open spots left.
Hey Guys,

My Dad wants to treat the family to a vacation to Costa Rica instead of presents under the tree this year for christmas, and I have been charged with gathering Information. Does anyone know of any hotels/resorts/anything that is good on the east coast of Costa Rica? How is the diving East coast do I bring my underwater housing? are there any good tours in the area?

I will be doing alot of reasearch and finding alot of stuff on my own but its always good to hear from you guys and find out what is actually good instead of whatever you read on the internet.

Hey Richard,
How did you do concerning the East Coast of Costa Rica diving???? A friend of mine want me to help with a Dive, Fishing and Tour operation in this area. I'm looking into it and will be down south of Limon Costa Rica next month. I'd like to know what people recommended. How's the market for Diving there?


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