Costa Rica diving

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Largo Fla
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500 - 999
Anyone have trip reports or experience with diving on the Pacific side of Costa Rice (diving other than Cocos island)? Specifically interested in Playa de coco and Bat/Cat islands and Drake Bay.

thanks for any info or recommendations.
A couple of years ago I dove out of La Paloma Lodge in the Osa Peninsula on Drake Bay. It was the shoulder of the rainy season. Clarity was 20' at best. However the dives were great. Most of the diving was around the Cano Islands which are a 11 mile ride out. Sea mounts, underwater arches, rock outcroppings. Lost's of large schools of fish, sharks, etc. Some current. Also, water temps were in the mid-70s. You will be able to do you SI on the lsland. Very relaxing. It was a great experience.
My wife and I have made three trips to Playa del Coco and it is one of our favorite dive locations. We used Rich Coast Divers each time and received excellent service and good rates.

Our first trip was in March 05 followed by August 06 and 07. The diving was much better in March. The visibility varied radically from 40ish to over 100 but in every case there was plenty of marine life. On our second visit we found ourselves in the midst of a herd of 40+ spotted eagle rays.

On the first visit we popped for the $100+ trip to Catalina Island in hopes of seeing manta rays... just hopes though. The dives were good but the time and money was a bit much without seeing the mantas. Never a guarantee but as I said the diving was good.

We stayed at a little bed and breakfast called Villa Del Sol owned by Serge Boucher (Costa Rica Guanacaste Coco Hermosa beach hotel and vacation rentals). The place is not fancy but it nice and very reasonable.

Send me a PM if you want more specifics. We will be there again next August.
Spent 2 weeks there at Playa Flamingo over christmas.

Viz was 30 foot max. Lots of plankton means great chance of mantas. Saw 3 of them, 12 foot wingspan was the biggest. Focus on the macro life, most nubibranchs we've ever seen.

Stayed at Flamingo Marina resort, 2 tank dives, no shore diving, tried 12 different resteraunts in search of the best Ceviche.........Roys Place, great great great food there and CHEAP.

Do a search on my name for my dive trip reports.
I did my very first dive (DSD) at Playas del Coco with Rich Coast Divers. At that point I didn't have much of a basis for comparison but knowing what I know now I would highly recommend them. We just did a local spot (Argentine Point) but it was amazing. Lots of bright schooling fish, sharks, sea horses, you name it. The topography was interesting as well. I hope to go back there and will likely dive w/ Rich Coast again.
Hi there,

The Catalina's are excellent at this moment, we have trips going out everyday and seeing manta's all the time.
The bat islands will start soon, we did a trip l
ast week, but the way back was still a little too rough plus there are no bull sharks yet.
the local diving is good as well, the viz is good and the temp is great about 84!
If you need any more info check out our website or go to the CRDP website.
Playas del Cooc is really worth the diving!
Once again, Rich Coast Diving is top notch! Martin and Brenda run a first class business and they (and their team) are fun to boot. It is much more fun when you dive with folks that aren't burnt out and truly enjoy what they are doing. We take a group of therapists to work with children in Liberia each summer and spend a few extra days diving and enjoying the country. If you are in the Playa del Coco area you must dive with them.
Hey out there:
I will be in Costa rica from February 27 to March 6. We're staying in a condo at Coco Beach. I'm going with 3 non-divers and will be seeking a buddy or buddies for some diving. I will likely be able to dedicate one full day and several morning/afternoons for a fix!!! I've never been there so I know very little about the lay of the land. If you are going to be there or have any info that you think might be helpful,I'm all ears! Thanks .......BRANT

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