Costa Rica dive spots

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Charleston, SC
I'm heading to Costa Rica over the winter and I was wondering if anyone knew if there were any good dive sites or operators in Tamarindo or Jaco beach? So far those are the only definite spots we have selected on the coast (travelling with 2 non divers) But if there is a can't miss spot I'm sure we can fit that in.

Aqua Rica is in Tamarindo, there are none in Jaco that I know of, from there you would have to go south to Quepos to find a dive op.

I will be diving with AR in 5 weeks.

The best diving and ops in CR is near Playa del Coco(check out Deep Blue Divers if you go) just north of Tamarindo, and the Cat and Bat islands. AR will go to the Cats from Tamarindo

Diving in CR best to worst IMHO-Coco, Drake Bay, Uvita, Quepos, caribe coast PV.
I actually just came back from staying in Tamarindo last week. Costa Rica is such an awesome place. I visited almost ever dive shop out there to find the best one for my next trip. I found the best qualify shop in Playa Flamingo. Its only 15 minutes away and they will even pick you up if you don't rent a car out there. Its located on site in the Playa Flamingo Marina Resort. Make sure you stay in Tamarindo though because there is much more to do on land there.

The place is called Aqua Center Diving and is by far has the best boats in the Marina. Their boats can hold up to 15 divers at a time (2 tanks) but they usually take out about 5-8 people per trip. They have several Padi instructors onsite and are surprisingly cheaper then most places for a two tank day dive.

Eveyone in that area dives at the Catalina islands. There are so many great dive sites there. If there are enough people you can book a trip to the Bat islands which is a bit further away but they don't recommend it unless you're looking for bull sharks. The bat islands has less stuff to see overall but a much bigger change of seeing bull sharks swimming around at the deeper depths.

By the way I also went on a dive with Aqua Rica in Tamarindo. The owners are great and know the area very good. The only thing I didn't like is their higher price and the extremely small dive boat (not recommended for people prone to sea sickness).
Thanks for the info, sounds like there is some good diving without going out of the way. I'll definitely try and hit the catalina and bat islands. Do they attract the bull sharks at all or is it just chance encounters?
There are resident Bulls at the Bat islands. One in peticular who has been named, a 12-14 fter. They are there most of the time.
My wife and I have a place near Coco we rent out when we are not there.The local dives are so so but Catalina and the Bats are great. I was there 3 weeks ago and the water was in the mid 80s. It felt like someone was pushing hot water at me.
I dove with Aqua Rica last Feb. Had a great time, the owners we very friendly, .We went to the cat islands saw 6-9 Manta Rays a few morays, schools of jacks,devil rays, no sharks :( over the course of 4 dives and that was with pretty poor visibility. The wind was coming off the land and blowing dirt into the water, but as soon as it turned the vis improved. Lots of Thermal clines, some current, but over all great experience. Hopefully going back to CR again this year.
I wouldn't recommend Tamarindo for diving, only for surfing. Playas del Coco is the place to be for diving. Try Rich Coast Diving, great operation.
There is an operator in Jaco, Herradura Divers. They are on the road toward Los Suenos, north of Jaco. They have a small boat when last I checked but may have gotten another or larger boat. They were doing mainly local dives outside Herradura Bay. The owners are Italian guys.

We are located in Quepos, an little over an hour south of Jaco. We have three boats and offer a variety of sites to dive on a daily basis as well as snorkel and dolphin watch tours of Manuel Antonio National Park. We are the only operator north of Quepos offering day trips to Isla Del Cano. We are a PADI Resort facility and offer Nitrox fills and training. Check us out in the Dive Directory on this site or at

Please contact us if we can be of assistance.
Who and wherever you choose, don't miss a few dives in Playas del Coco, it's Costa Ricas Diving "Mekka" (this is not a political, religious or racial comment but just to say that every diver has to pass here...) for it's great choice of dive sites including the Catalinas and the Bat Islands and the best year-round conditions even close to shore!
Check us out for more information!

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