Costa Rica Advice

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I'm planning a trip to Costa Rica and I'm looking for some recommendations for a good place to dive with. Octal Resort seems nice, anyone been there? Is Cocos better?

Appreciate any info you might have.

Have never dove from the mainland but did go to Cocos and going back in April. I think they are very different experiences. Cocos is a 7-10 day live-aboard and it's all about schooling sharks. It is a 24hr ride out to the island that can be rough. There is a trip report, gallery and slideshow at our site. But as I said I think these would be very different trips, plus you need to book Cocos up to a year in advance.
Cocos would be the number one choice but the minimum cost is $4000 with a 10 day liveaboard. The two companies that run are Agressor and Undersea hunter. After that I would recommend isla Cano in the south. Either diving from drake bay or day trips from Dominical/Quepos. Catalina islands in the north are also good and you can visit them being based at Playa del Coco or Playa Flamingo.
Are you sure of the website address? it went to financial freedom
I am flying down tomorrow from California. I own a Villa at Bahia Pez vela near Ocotal so I always use Ocotal. I think all of the dive operations are OK. Warm water great food Pure Vida
I have dove Cano Island staying in Drake bay....loved the area....but the diving....well 15' to maybe 25' vis....lots of stuff in the water....just could not get close enough to enjoy....Coco's if I did not get so seasick...I would be there....that is one of the top destinations in the world.
The link RCD gave you is the best too look over your options.

I wrote a little report you may find interesting:

When are you planning on going? Right now is the best diving.

Missdirected, you've mentioned that winter is the best time to dive CR at least twice that I know of. I know that winter--the CR dry season--is considered the high season, and prices reflect that--which should mean traveling to CR in our winter is the time to go. Yet I read other reports that make it sound miserable--poor vis, cold water, nothing much to see, etc. I'm confused! Which is it?

Have two options for a trip to CR: late August or Christmas. Which should it be?

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