Costa Maya (Mahahual) Mexico - Dive Report

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Dallas, TX
Yes, I do LONG dive reports. Feel free to read, or skip.

I was on a cruise ship last week (12/12/2004 – 12/19/2004), scheduled to stop at Key West, Grand Cayman, and Cozumel). Hurricane Ivan changed our plans, and Grand Cayman was replaced with Costa Maya for (12/16/2004). Once I found this out, using scubaboard, I found and exchanged numerous emails with Tanya Hawthorne, the Director of Blue Ha Diving in Mahahual ( ) and was scheduled in with them for two dives.

Upon leaving the ship, I wasn’t impressed with the Taxi situation. It took two trips (one from the port to Costa Maya, the other from Costa Maya to Mahahual) to get me to the dive shop. This, or course, had nothing to do with Blue Ha, but I wanted to mention it.

Once at the shop, I was greeted by a wonderful, smiling person in the form of Tanya. Jono, the PADI Instructor was sweeping the porch as I introduced myself to them. They were both very friendly and accommodating people. As this was my first Ocean dive, I was a little excited, and Tanya did everything she could to make me feel right at home.

As we were preparing to leave, another group (Father, Son, and Daughter) showed up to dive. Tanya decided to go with me, while Jono would lead the other three. The son had an age based depth limitation (not sure his age, but I believe the depth was 40’ maximum).

The boat captain and assistant (both locals) helped us load up, and away we go.

First Dive –
Site: Unknown (I have emailed Tanya for the name)
Start of Dive: 11:00
End of Dive: 11:51
Length: 00:51
Max Depth: 77’
Avg. Depth: 50’
Temp: 80°

The 6 of us go over the side, and break into two groups. Visibility was approx. 40’-60’, and Tanya and I hit descend to 30ish. This is amazing. Complete coral specimens (I’ve been warned that Cozumel corals show signs of stress). Now that I’ve gone to both places, I have to say I liked the corals better here in Mahahual than in Cozumel.

As she is showing me the area, we descend to 77’ and start cruising around. Tanya shows me some swimthrus that have quite a lot of surge in them. We kick for a few cycles to stay in place, and then let the action shoot us towards shore. Then out, back over the reef to find the next area. We spent approx. 12 minutes in the 60+ range, and then came up to 35’. She showed me all kinds of wonderful things, to include a spotted drum. I shot an entire roll of film on the coral life, and will post any that are worth viewing. After 21 minutes we begin ascending for a safety stop. We join back up with the group and await the pickup boat. A great 51-minute dive!

Surface Interval –
Length: 1:29
Location: Blue Ha

We return to the shop, and grab something to drink. They provided us with bottled water, and boxed fruit juices. I’d recommend bringing a snack, just in case you are hungry. I had some PowerGels, so had one of them.

Second Dive –
Site: Unknown (I have emailed Tanya for the name)
Start of Dive: 13:19
End of Dive: 14:05
Length: 46
Max Depth: 51’
Avg. Depth: 30’
Temp: 79°

Once again, we go over the side, and break into two groups. This time, we separate beyond visible range, as Tanya and I found some awesome stuff!

As we’re cruising along, I follow Tanya’s lead. We drop to 36’ pretty quickly, and then begin moving around the area. She is showing me tons of stuff again, and I’m having a blast. We descend to 51’ for a little, and then bounce around between 46’ and 26’, just having a great time.

She is doing some documentation on her dive slate. I forgot to ask what it was, but it had to have been relating to the look of the area. She gets 5’-6’ ahead of me, and all the sudden turns to me and gives me the “SHARK!” sign (hand made into a fin and place on top of the head). I shoot towards her in anticipation. And there it is….. A 5’ or so nurse shark, just chilling out about 3’ below us in a swimthru. I must have shot 5-6 photos of it, in hopes one of them would come out.

Soon, we’re back off, exploring the reef. We ascend to 26’ and spend the next 20-minutes there. At one point, as we are nearing a sandy area, I spot a 5-6’ spotted eagle ray. I’m in heaven. I kick up to Tanya, and give her what I hope is a ray sign (surfer sign, but lying down). She seems to understand, and follows my pointed finger and gives me the OK sign. Can it get any better?

Up to our safety stop, and then time to surface. It’s marvelous, but the wave action has increased.

As we return to the surface, we’re met by 4’-5’ waves. And no boat. I’m not enjoying this part at all. Tanya sees the boat in the distance, and begins waving her hands saying “I think they see us”. I stick my snorkel in my mouth, and look down on the reef, it helps settle my stomach. After what seems like 2-3 minutes, I ask her if she’d like me to use my DSMB to get their attention. She says no, that they have seen us, and are picking up the last of the group and heading our way. Another 2-3 minutes and they are here. My earlier Chivalry (ladies in the boat first please) is replaced by the relief of being out of the water, watching her work at getting on board. With the exception of the waves, this is another awesome dive. I’m in love with the Ocean. Chuckle

Back to the shop, and time to clean up and get ready to return to the ship. Tanya has a stamp for their dive shop, and stamps by book. She also has little stickers (like you’d give kids), and puts a shark one on my second dive entry. I’m 12 again…

Parting thoughts:

Talk to the taxi people, and see if you can get one ride from the port to Mahahual (not sure if that is possible).
If you get hungry easily like I do, bring a snack..
Tanya and Jono are great! Their boat crew was good as well.

Not a complaint one, no sir. If I’m ever lucky enough to be in Mahahual again, I’ll be diving with these folks, no questions asked.

That was a great review!!!!! I amost began to tear up as you received the coveted shark stamp. I had a similar experience in Costa Maya diving with Blue Ha. I recommend you post this on cruise critic

There is quite a bit of debate and some very entertaining arguments (see thread "Nitrogen Addict - Why the No Show????") going on about where to dive in Costa Maya.

Thanks for sharing and please let us know when you post the pictures.

Retired, Diving and Loving it.

That was a great review!!!!! I amost began to tear up as you received the coveted shark stamp. I had a similar experience in Costa Maya diving with Blue Ha. I recommend you post this on cruise critic

There is quite a bit of debate and some very entertaining arguments (see thread "Nitrogen Addict - Why the No Show????") going on about where to dive in Costa Maya.

Thanks for sharing and please let us know when you post the pictures.

Retired, Diving and Loving it.
Thank you. It was an awe inspiring experience! I posted the email here. For me, there is only one dive shop I'll do business with down there, and that is Blue Ha. I have nothing against anyone else down there, but after being treated the way I was by Blue Ha, I have no reason to look for another place to dive with.


That was a great review!!!!! I amost began to tear up as you received the coveted shark stamp. I had a similar experience in Costa Maya diving with Blue Ha. I recommend you post this on cruise critic

There is quite a bit of debate and some very entertaining arguments (see thread "Nitrogen Addict - Why the No Show????") going on about where to dive in Costa Maya.

Thanks for sharing and please let us know when you post the pictures.

Retired, Diving and Loving it.
can you put a link to this thread. i did a search for it but did not find it.

we were another couple that had booked with douglas only to find out in the taxi that he was not diving that day so we dove with tanya and jono. it was my wifes first blue water dive, her first dive deeper than about 25 feet, and her fifth and sixth dive since being certified in may. tanya and jono were great, jono was never more than 5' from her the whole dive. i am glad the way that it turned out the way that it did, will recomend them to anyone headed to that area, and will dive with them again when we make it back down there.

charlie.. the two dives we did were to 2 step reef and blue ha reef if i remember right. the taxi tried to do the samething to us but we has met up with another couple on the boat that were looking to do a couple of dives and he told the taxi driver that he was taking us all the way to blue ha. i did not like the looks of that place they wanted to drop us off at and having just learned that we would not be diving with the ops that we were booked with had me a little concerned. i do not know why but i could see us just sitting there all day tring to get back to the boat.
I dove with Blue Ha last March, and I can say, they are THE only operator in Costa Maya. I had never gotten seasick before, we were out on a six pack, my girlfirend started throwing up, and since I'm a sympathetic puker, it didn't take long after the surges of the first dive to call some dinosaurs. Without even asking, they refunded my money for the second dive as I sat there all green, and then took the tip I gave them and paid for my cab ride. These guys are INCREDIBLE.
Update on the dive report. Thanks to Tanya, I now know where I was diving.. hehe

1st Dive Site - Pueblo. It was straight out from the town itself.
2nd Dive Site - Front Garden. This one is straight out from the Blue Ha dive center.

Sadly, I should have spent more time with my camera, as I wasn't impressed with most of the photos I have. I do have 3-4 that I will be posting after the holidays.

I guess this gives me a good excuse to try and visit Blue Ha again next year. :)

For all of you KIDK9 dived with Douglas when he was still at Blue Ha and one of the owners. Unfortunately his partner sold out and he moved on to something else to get it back to what divers want. It is difficult with many obstacles in the way. He is now somewhere else trying to deal again with Mexican authorities to get the new place back to a standard to dive.
Nitro (Douglas?)-

I'm assuming you are the same Nitrogenaddict from the Cruise Critic board. I feel your pain, you are getting hammered on that board. I think sometimes mistakes happen and you learn from them. Best of luck to you. I plan on traveling to Mahahual alot for diving. I'll definitely look you up to have a couple cold ones.

BTW, I dove with the new owners (Tanya and Jono) of Blue Ha as did quite a few others on this board and only had rave reviews. I would say that they are exactly what I want as a diver.

I recommend Douglas go back to Blue Ha and work with the new owners Tanya and Jono rather than deal with the Mexican authroities with this new place that no one seems to care for.

Retired, diving and loving it.

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