So, the HP piston o-ring has disintegrated due to lack of service yet the regulator had been serviced August 2014 and was performing flawlessly!!! And you think it is a good idea to take a Dremel tool to a regulator sealing surface!!!
Would you provide the name and location of your shop?
---------- Post added August 30th, 2015 at 05:49 PM ----------
awap, if you read carefully you can see that I was referring to something that probably has happened a while ago. I did not understand that this was the first service this regulator had.
These stains in the chrome or brass will stay for the rest of the 'life' of this first stage.
And yes, I think it is a good idea to use a Dremel at the sealing surfaces.
And if you are willing to learn even from me something, then you should, if you ever come across one of those cases, clean this area with Q-Tips and alcohol, and then use a Dremel with those felt discs and polish this part until you feel the heat of the friction in the cap.
If you check with your finger this part you will feel the smoothness of this area.
I polish and lube always these parts where the piston o-rings run.
By this I can make sure that even very old or worn out 1sts work perfectly.