Convert Yoke to DIN

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I don't see anything about DIN in the 69 copy of The New Science of Skin and Scuba, don't see it in the 66 edition of Basic Scuba either?


Come on Nemrod… not this again… :rolleyes:
You are basically narrowing the definition of vintage as “it has to be American or perhaps more specifically it had to have been popular in Kansas”. ;)

Per your definition my 1957 Drager DIN valves are not vintage because they were not in one US published book. I also have Poseidon tanks with DIN valves from the same era and several catalogs from the 60’s showing DIN fittings. Yes back in the 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s it was not called DIN, but it is the same fitting.

I was using 5/8” European threaded fitting (A.K.A. DIN) in the early 70’s and when I tried to get an adapter for a Scubapro Mk-5 (from California), they had no clue as to what I was talking about.

BTW, the only company, which was still in existence, and quit making double hose regulators in 1973 was US Divers. All the other manufacturers were making double hose regulators at least into the late 70’s, which includes Dacor (at least to 79), Nemrod (into the early 90’s), and several European companies. I am not sure when Healthways actually disappeared.

Here is a catalog from the 60’s. The U-1225 DIN to yoke adapter has not changed much since the 60's.

These valves were available in the 50’s.
You are in the right place, vintage is as much a mind set as it is equipment.

I hang out here on the vintage forum simply because I don't really belong anywhere else on SB.
I dive vintage when the conditions and the mood hit's me, otherwise I'm a minimalist using modern gear but using old techniques.
So in that respect, since I'm not a hard core vintage oficionado (yet) but dive stripped to the bone there really isn't anywherer alse for me to hang out. I think vintage divers are about the closest cousins I have as far as style of diving.
Where else would I go? The DIR - Hogarthian - or their version of "minimalist" :rofl3:, I don't think so.

Maybe there also needs to be a sub forum here for people like me who don't fit into any clear cut category, that if vintage needs to remain strictly vintage in all aspects. Modern gear minimalists are very far and few between. But there would need to be a definition and a clear understanding of what a real minimalist is. Doubles, drysuit, long hose, can light, back up light, scooter, "team" members, and so on are not "minimalist". Maybe in the tech world but not in my world.
Nemrod (into the early 90’s), and several European companies. I am not sure when Healthways actually disappeared.

I though Snark III's were made all the way up to 1998?
and didn't Healthways get bought out by Scubapro?
Thanks, I learned something today. I had no idea the DIN valve dated back that far.

Healthways went belly up in the early 60s. The assets were purchased and became ScubaPro. see :Dr. Sam Miller - History of SCUBA Diving

Come on Nemrod… not this again… :rolleyes:
You are basically narrowing the definition of vintage as “it has to be American or perhaps more specifically it had to have been popular in Kansas”. ;)

Per your definition my 1957 Drager DIN valves are not vintage because they were not in one US published book. I also have Poseidon tanks with DIN valves from the same era and several catalogs from the 60’s showing DIN fittings. Yes back in the 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s it was not called DIN, but it is the same fitting.

I was using 5/8” European threaded fitting (A.K.A. DIN) in the early 70’s and when I tried to get an adapter for a Scubapro Mk-5 (from California), they had no clue as to what I was talking about.

BTW, the only company, which was still in existence, and quit making double hose regulators in 1973 was US Divers. All the other manufacturers were making double hose regulators at least into the late 70’s, which includes Dacor (at least to 79), Nemrod (into the early 90’s), and several European companies. I am not sure when Healthways actually disappeared.

Here is a catalog from the 60’s. The U-1225 DIN to yoke adapter has not changed much since the 60's.

These valves were available in the 50’s.
I though Snark III's were made all the way up to 1998?
and didn't Healthways get bought out by Scubapro?

Yes, I think you are correct about the Snark III. I should have said at least into the early 90's. Sorry about the lack of precision... this is the internet. ;)

The story of Healtways is a bit more complicated.

Scubapro was supposed to be the professional division of Healtways. But Healtways filed for bankruptcy in the 60’s and had to sell of Scubapro. Gustav de la Valle and Dick Bonin bought Scubapro. I don’t know the details of the transaction.

Healtways did return and we were a Heatlways dealer in the early 70’s (like 1971), but after that I don’t know what happen to them.

BTW, after using DIN fittings for over 35 I have decided I actually don’t like them that much anymore (just like I don’t like my Fenzy for most diving anymore), but IMO they are both vintage (since they are both as old or older than a DA Aqua Master).
Come on Nemrod… not this again… :rolleyes:

If it is a 1989 DIN then it is not, like it or not.:no:

Oh, and yes, I am an American an make no apologies.:mooner:

Luis, next you going to go DIR.:dontknow:

I maker a motion we just forget this vintage stuff. According to Luis and most everyone it has no historical basis, it is a floating definition, it is whatever the author wants it to be.

I don't care, dive your poodle jackets and pretend they are vintage with your DIN valve.


Oh, I make another motion, Tekna regulators are as vintage as a DIN Scuba Pro, and certainly more stylish. And my new Mares Avanti fins are vintage because Mares has been in business forever and they are even Italian, my God man, not American, oh no. Oh, my Aeris Atomos computer is one of their earliest models, hell, it is three years old and your favorite color, chartreuse green, it is no officially vintage.

Can we have a "minimalist forum" for me and ZKY so we can escape from you gear intensive vintage divers with your poodle jackets, wings and dry suits?

N <---throwing tantrum:usa:
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ZKY, I think you and I are the only minimalist on scubieboard.

I think I am making a break through. I am done with vintage.

I am declaring my minimalism. No eclectic BS either for me anymore.

Most of the vintage equipment was barely worthy of diving in a swimming pool much less the ocean, junk floppy fins and those awful round masks, I mean, like WTH? That crap was sold for pool toys. I survived all that crap once, no need to pretend now it was any better than it was.

Tekna! My God, I put my T2100 on my tank and it was eye opening, instead of sucking on that rotten Mistral wheezer, suddenly I could dive to 200 feet and my fingernails did not go blue from sucking on the damg thing.

Vintage, smintage, I am done with it and trying to hold a line in the sand.

I would rather talk about my new R109s and my Teknas:


I don't know who that guy with the pasty white skin is but that is one cool regulator he has. Hey, it has a DIN conversion kit too.

This is what I really dive when I am not trying to pretend to be an old person, out of the closet:


This stuff makes vintage crap suck wind. The Oxy Mach V on Freedom Plate, sleek and minimal, Atomic Framless is the best mask ever made, Titan LX, simple, rugged, hog rigged complete with seven foot hose and bungeed secondary.

Let's talk wings and BPs, I am so tired of that old rubber crap.

Oh, I love Toyota. I would take a bullet for Mr. Toyota.

Should I go to a 22 inch hose on my secondary or stay with the 26 inch?

Vintage no more.
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Must be a bad case of cabin fever up in Kansas right about now, maybe a trip to Florida will cure it. :D
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Must be a bad case of cabin fever up in Kansas right about now, maybe a trip to Florida will cure it. :D


I am looking between the new AL Zuma and Scuba Pro Equator for my new poodle jacket. I am thinking they are both vintage because they have been on the market a few weeks and that is enough to qualify as vintage in this new touch feely everybody is OK lovey dovey new vintage definition. My thinking is that with the Scuba Pro Equator I would look spiffy with my new Scuba Pro R109s and Jets and Scuba Pro Framless for a full Scuba Pro outfit. But then with the AL Zuma I could sport the AL Titan LX, Atomic Framelss and Mares Avanti X3 fins?

Decisions, decisions. :dontknow: any thoughts?

I want weight integrated, I know that for sure, I hate stink'n weight belts and I saw this guy with a rope on his Mae West in 1967 that integrated weights so I think it is vintage right?

I like the "New" Vintage, may the "Old" vintage sleep peacefully, up with the NEW, down with The Man. The "Vintage Era" concept is too oppressive, I cannot fully express myself within such limited confines :coffee:.

DIR, here I come :blinking:

N <---non vintage hippie, Flower Power
Must be a bad case of cabin fever up in Kansas right about now, maybe a trip to Florida will cure it. :D

I've never seen him like this, it must be bad. We should send someone to check on him.

Speaking of which, I have been dealing with my own bought of dry gill psychosis.
I haven't been in the ocean in I don't know how long. I'd check my log book, only problem is I don't keep one so that doesn't do a lot of good.

The swells only went down to 10 feet today and their going back up to 15' to 17' mid week. That's how it's been for months, but it looks like we might get a reprieve.
This coming Saturday they're supposed to go down to 5' to 7' with 10 to 20 kt, winds.
That's perfectly divable as far as I'm concerned. I don't care if I get thrashed, it'll be worth it to get a mouthfull of sand just to taste salt water again.

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