contradictory camera advice

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I might have been one of those 'slashing' canon but I was referring to their latest releases not making any real advance for underwater
As far as compact cameras with no interchangeable lens Canon make some fine models like the S90/95/100 all 1/1.7" sensor size
Recently Sony has presented a 1" sensor compact and this is definitely a step forward and still does not require to change lenses, canon will eventually release something like that hopefully
There is a quality improvement in the images as you increase the sensor size but in terms of compact the units at 1/1.7" produce excellent results already your camera will perform worse than those compacts with low light and have more noise because the sensor is smaller but still ok to get going and taking some pictures
Your kids will be much more interested in the underwater world if you show them good shots!

They like this photo just fine :) :

The attached photo was taken in shallow water therefore no need for a flash. I am hovering stationary (my buoyancy control is pretty good) so any motion is that of the fish relative to me. The camera is set for ISO priority and taken in Canon's underwater mode. I don't know anything about white balancing (hopefully the photo course will teach me) and I believe that there was no post-processing. The original (which I don't have on the computer in front of me) may have been at a higher resolution - I am not sure.

Comments are welcome.
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Nice Anthias, looks like the Red Sea.
I started with a Canon A620 using interal flash only. Still my backup camera. Limited success on my first trip. Then I put in the effort to get better photos Two things that really improved my photography were getting an external strobe (sea and sea ys-27) and learning how to use the camera in manual mode and how aperture, shutter speed, etc... affect my photos. At that point I was quite pleased with my photos. Now I almost always shoot on manual.

It also helps to stay within the abilities of the camera. Compact digitals have slower focus and shutter lag. So trying to get that single fast swimming fish can be an exercise in futility. I would also recommend you learn to focus lock on something easy (shutter button halfway down) and then recompose on your subject of interest for those difficult to focus photos.
The only reviews you need to be concerned with are those of yourself and your kids. If your photos are good enough to keep them interested, then you are doing fine.

The photo you posted above is better than most of the P+S photos I see. You might might be more ready than you think to upgrade your system, then your photos go from "wow" to "WOW!!!"

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