Please note that I am NOT a medical doctor.I don't understand why fast tissues interact with the presence of a PFO... could you explain the mechanisms you have in mind?
My idea is that the PFO allows bubbles to leave the small circle and enter the large circle, where they can cause embolism in various organs.
This happens when a lot of bubbles are released by "fast" tissues which are oversaturated and are off-gassing quickly.
This is typical of what happens in the very last seconds of an ascent close to NDL.
Instead in a long deco dive the critical over-saturated tissues are the slow ones. When they are offgassing, they release nitrogen very slowly, so there are not a lot of bubbles which can go through the PFO.
This hypothesis should be confirmed by performing ecodoppler analysis during the last few minutes before emerging ot just after climbing on the boat.