I had a TEE screening done on Monday and it revealed a PFO. Clear shunt while performing the valsalva manouver. Over the past eight years I have probably had 6-7 episodes of skin bends. Never been in the chamber (but sometimes I wonder if I should have been). Once or twice there has been visual disturbance involved and one time I had migrane aura after the dive (never had migraine before or after out of the water). Dives are mainly rec dives, with the occational light deco (less than 10 minutes). For the past six years I have been using GF30/75 on all dives.
The cardiologist says I have to give up diving. Closing the PFO is not an option, they only offer this to patients that have suffered a stroke. I had a thorough discussion with a professional dive physician about my further diving, and even though he says that diving with a PFO is doable he recommends based on my history of skin bends that I give up on diving. If I choose to continue diving I have to dive extremely conservative.
I really love diving, but I really don't want to take any chances from now on. I'm not sure if this extremely conservative way is worth it if it only gives me around 18-20 minutes on shallow depths. My mind is spinning and I am confused.