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Scuba Instructor
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Any info about work/futher training around places like Honduras/Costa Rica?
Any help/contacts would be real cool.

There's lots of work and lots of training there. We could probably give you a better answer, though, if you explinaed what you were seeking - work or trainging, and for what kind of work specifically?
Honduras is getting more difficult at the moment you must get a work permit, the cost for one of these is $400.00 some lawyers are charging $700.00 so the best thing to do is if you want work, come here on a tourist visa and talk to the dive centers they will help you
Honduras is getting more difficult at the moment you must get a work permit, the cost for one of these is $400.00 some lawyers are charging $700.00 so the best thing to do is if you want work, come here on a tourist visa and talk to the dive centers they will help you

Wow, I didn't know that. I was in Utila in 98/99 working as Instructor, and as long as you paid your monthly local tax (I think it was 500 Lempira), no problem. You could also "renew" your visa at the Utila immigration very easily. Are they making that more difficult too? Mind you, must be easier than here in Thailand...
I am looking for work as an Instructor but any work as a DM would be awesome too.
I do also want to do some futher training like an equipment servicing course and some tech diving.
but the main thing is trying to find work!
I was in Utila in May and met a couple of Dm's and a instuctor and we talked about pay. One DM got $1 per diver the other DM $100 a week for 5 days. Both were young guys who just wanted to dive every day. But both said it was thier savings keeping them alive and both had target dates to leave and return to the real world. But they were having the time of thier lives!! The instructor was doing a little better. Depended on class size and the seasons ie high low. It is the dive ops who are making the money well some of them. Good luck you will have fun anyway.
Any info about work/futher training around places like Honduras/Costa Rica?
Any help/contacts would be real cool.

Go to Utila....Get there and contact Steve at Deep Blue or Tex at Eco Marine/Gunthers. Both straight shooters and good ops. Utila is the best budget bet in the Caribbean.


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