Connecticut Diver Looking for new local area experiences and buddies

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Jim Riz

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Padi Rescue Certified 100+ Dives as an adult who knows as a kid...looking for dive buddies and new local area experiences. Love werck artifact and reefs.....Experienced from 20-130 feet...warm cape ann in the early spring....dutchsprings to St. Lawerence night and drift and conservative....dive mostly with my 2 bays....and one dive buddy....drop a note and say hello:jester:
I can't help you in your quest for dive buddies, but maybe can.

Just wish to welcome you to the board!
Originally posted by Jim Riz
Padi Rescue Certified 100+ Dives as an adult who knows as a kid...looking for dive buddies and new local area experiences. Love werck artifact and reefs.....Experienced from 20-130 feet...warm cape ann in the early spring....dutchsprings to St. Lawerence night and drift and conservative....dive mostly with my 2 bays....and one dive buddy....drop a note and say hello:jester:

Well if you are willing to travel up to the St Lawrence / Lake Ontario area. Once the "hard water" moves away. I'll make sure you get told of the plans some of us have. Wrecks all over the place (and I don't mean us), with a varied conditions.
...from another CT diver!

You've got way more experience than I and my partner have, we were just certified in October!

Happy Diving,

Scuba-sass :)
Do you do dive off the Jeanne II? I plan on making myself a regular on her this season.
Hi From Kingston Ontario Canada..
Welcome to the SCUBA Board. Hope you enjoy the forum. Don't be afraid to ask Questions or to do Posts..
great site....thanks to all...looking forward to getting to know all of you
Greetings from another CT diver. I must confess that I haven't done any diving up north (throughout almost 20 years of diving, I have been committed to avoidance of cold water!), but lack of time for Carribean vacations now necessitates flexibility. I'm told that diving from May through October is ok even for a CAD like me. If you're interested in a buddy for diving during these time frames, let me know.

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