Comprehensive Pattaya Dive Site Information Guide

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Pattaya Beach, Thailand
Hello folks, this is NOT a sales pitch :)

I did want to take a post, however, to inform you that we have published a 7-page, 5,000-word guide to Pattaya area wreck and coral-reef dive sites. It includes photos, maps, schematics and video -- including a very special 6-minute excerpt from Peter Walker's superb "Wreck of the Suddhadib" documentary. Peter very kindly let us edit down some of his film to use online.

I'm the first to admit that, for the past 5 years, Aquanauts' dive site information page has well, sucked. It was three pages -- one summary page and one each on the Kood and Khram. Didn't even have one on the Hardeep, er, Suddhadib. Most of that text was actually written in 2001-2003, so it was quite old.

Amusingly, however, in researching new material for the new guide, we found several sites -- including a couple Pattaya dive shops -- had copy / pasted the original Aquanauts text.

Our new section is written top-to-bottom new. Data was compiled from our initial text and supplemented with about 5 other sources. But it is an original write-up and, we believe, brings together into one place for the first time the largest mass about the dive sites here.

(I'll be watching other sites to see if it magically reappears elsewhere :) )

Anyway, for those interested in learning more about what Pattaya's sites have to offer, you can start your reading at
PATTAYA DIVE SITES: Scuba Diving Information, Photos, Videos, Maps, Wreck, Khram, Kood, Kut, Hardeep | Aquanauts Dive Centre Pattaya Thailand PADI 5-Star CDC Career Development Center Scuba Diving
Nice addition to the information on the web. You might want to correct the typo on your map showing the Kood in 2 places, instead of the Khram. For people that want even more information on wrecks in the area they can also see: Thailand wreck diving, Thai technical diving and dive software, Thai shipwrecks
The section on the Suddhadib includes suggestions on penetration points a large amount of historical info etc. The section on the Khram/Khood include the original ship blueprints for reference on penetration.
Looks great! Your time and effort was well spent. I had the pleasure of diving with Peter and Alex on the Hardeep (years after the video was made). Great to see it incorporated into your description of the Hardeep.
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THanks Red, hadn't noticed that! Updated now, but you may need to refresh the cache in your browser to see the new image.

Steve B's page is a wealth of info. But even tho he and I are friends, I can still say the page is pretty disorganized.

I saw the entry points and blueprints, but figured there's only so much I can throw into the kettle before the soup gets ruined. Thinking now though I can siply add a line into my write-up with the link to his page and the blueprints, etc.

I actually don't consider the pages finished forever. Figure they'll be more a constant work-in-progress with updates as interesting stuff comes up. Tinker here, tinker there. But its hopefully a good start.
Steve B's page is a wealth of info. But even tho he and I are friends, I can still say the page is pretty disorganized.

I don't find Steve's site "disorganized" as you call it. It is simply a lot of information presented in a non-commercial format. It is quite easy to find information on his site. In fact, when searching Google for shipwrecks in Thailand, his web site often appears at the top of the search engine results.

Also, Steve is more than happy for anyone who has time to contribute and improve that site, which is basically a non-commercial gift to the dive community of Thailand and it remains one of the best (if not "the best") web site for wreck diving in Thailand today.

Now, if we could just get folks to confirm all those coordinates listed on the site and add depth information :D
It's great that you guys up in Pattaya have such an interest in wreck diving and do such good research.

But it's a shame you don't come down here for some really good wreck diving. We've had a few from Pattaya, SB2, Bruce, Roger but there's a lot of you who haven't seen our Gulf wrecks.

We've got a new boat and great schedule for next year starting in May.

PS , good job Bob!
Also, Steve is more than happy for anyone who has time to contribute and improve that site, which is basically a non-commercial gift to the dive community of Thailand and it remains one of the best (if not "the best") web site for wreck diving in Thailand today.

It's also referenced by many people around the world for the compressor and ICB information it provides.

Jamie -- Great wrecks, yes, but kinda deep no?

We hype Pattaya as being the wreck diving capital for recreational divers. Everyone knows for tech wrecks, your part of the gulf rules.

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