Hey all!
I promised an update, so here one is.
We are two and a bit weeks into the trip now and everything has gone great. This has been nowhere near as bothersome as I feared it might be.
The strategy so far has been to stick to shore diving or boat diving in benign conditions. This has been just fine. The knee poses no problems whatsoever underwater, and my frog kick is largely unaffected. Flutter kick is 100%. I've had a couple of dives now in mild to moderate current, and flutter kick is perfectly OK.
First week I stuck to a single dive a day. After consulting with DAN, I'm now doing two dives a day. DAN has asked for insurance purposes that I limit the first dive to 25m, and have a 3hr SI before the second. I am following this, typically doing the first and third dives of the day while my wife does all three. I have my computer set conservatively and am staying well clear of my NDL times. Nitrox has so far not been an option.
We modified our plans to go to places were the diving was easy, or where there was other topside stuff to do. Moalboal was especially good for this, with an excellent house reef I was very happy to do long, shallow night dives on each night. We are presently in El Nido, where the diving isn't as good as elsewhere in the Philippines (but still pretty good) but where there is more topside stuff to do than some of the really good diving spots. The strategy here is to dive every second day and explore topside / island hop / etc on off days.
Getting on and off the boats has proved just fine. I'm not completely steady on the leg yet, so that's the main thing to look out for. So far on the bankas it has been possible to gear up seated and back roll in, or gear up seated on the front of the boat and just roll in that way. I de-gear in the water.
There have been a couple of incidents where the leg has given out on me or wobbled badly, so I continue to be wary when placing my feet getting on or off the boats.
Not sure what else to say. We have dove Sogod, and Moalboal, and also here in El Nido where we are presently. Heading out to Coron tomorrow.
I would like to note that Doppler's scenario of: "
What happens if the seas kick up while you are under? Large surf and the ladder is jumping out of the sea?" did come close to coming true. In Sogod, one dive was exactly like this. The boat took four passes to pick up the divers at the end. Relatively calm at the start. A sudden wind, and 1.5m-ish seas at the end, which is not at all ideal for these boats. Fortunately this was a dive I chose to sit out.
Anyway, being sensible is not getting in the way of having a joyful time.
Here are a couple of thank-you pics of a small (7cm) juvenile cuttlefish in Moalboal:

EDIT: And here in El Nido, the diving might only be pretty-darn-great rather than jaw-dropping, but the scenery can't be beaten! Here is the missus and I enjoying the kind of compromise it's perfectly acceptable to have to live with
