As image sizes become larger and larger to to the megapixel wars, as long as it is competitively priced, go for the largest memory card you can.
I have a pro digital camera for products we market, and I use an IMB 1 gig microdrive. The file sizes for tiff-RGB images are huge, but it will hold 75 of them. If I take photos in hi res .jpg formats, it will hold over 1000 of them. Pretty mondo.
The thing is, as I upgrade cameras with an ever larger megapixel count, I just swap over the microdrive which fits into a compact flash card slot. When cameras get over 10 megapixels, that same memory device will be down to holding 500 images....enough for an entire trip.....
I have a pro digital camera for products we market, and I use an IMB 1 gig microdrive. The file sizes for tiff-RGB images are huge, but it will hold 75 of them. If I take photos in hi res .jpg formats, it will hold over 1000 of them. Pretty mondo.
The thing is, as I upgrade cameras with an ever larger megapixel count, I just swap over the microdrive which fits into a compact flash card slot. When cameras get over 10 megapixels, that same memory device will be down to holding 500 images....enough for an entire trip.....