cat:glbirch - heh. A Cold Lake dive sounds like fun - any good open water right now? Dunno about depth though - I dive wet and at 100' there's not a lot of suit left - gets a tad chilly in deep 4C / 39Fwater. (I like the air to be warm when I get out, too - maybe when it's at least 10C out and sunny?) I wouldn't count on Cold Lake being a harder workout for the regs than they've already been through, though - was diving in the Thunder Bay end of Superior last year
Err the answer to your other question is - returning to my 'roots', looking for better work, pretending to write a thesis and plotting to either move or take some dive trips to the BC coast.
Open water? Uhm, well, after an hour with the chainsaw, sure. My dive was on a ridge. Bottom was around 40' or so, so you don't have to go deep. If you want warmer air temp, try the lake around mid-April. Ice is still thick enough to drive on, but it can be really nice topside.
Been out to BC a couple of times and liked it but every time I think about going back, and look at the costs involved in a week of serious diving, I realize that for a little more cash I can pop down to mexico for a week.