CoCoview report

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We had a great time. Our trip started the 9th and returned the 16th. Now I did take notice of all the reports of no-see-ums, and by god ya'll were right. Those little suckers could find you everywhere, we went through 4 cans of 30% deet to keep them off. Ok on to the report.

It was our first time to Roatan, so it was our first stay at CoCoview. The diving was great. I was told that the vis was not as good as it is usually is but for a Texas diver it was still fantastic maybe 80ft at times. The coral life was great with so many different varieties that I couldn't mention them all. I am still a new diver with 76 dives under my belt so roatan offered me a chance to slow down and study marine life at my speed. In all I did 31 dives that week with most in the range of 30 to 50ft. I was able to take my time in the front yard to find cleaning stations where I would watch one fish after another come in and hold on to a rock with there front fines and be cleaned. For you morning people that understand the peacefulness of a 5am dive I did one everday but one. It is just amazing to go in when it was dark and watch the sun come up over the large coral heads and see school after school of different fish come in to the shallows for feeding. Or fish fighting off others for there areas. Cocoview has the best and easiest shore diving I have been to so far with a short walk from the locker area to the water maybe 50 yards.
The marine life in Roatan has taken a few knocks from other reports but I found it to be great. On Cocoview wall we found a nurse shark a couple of times during the week that was 6-8ft long sleeping on a shelf around 60ft. I also saw crabs that there pinchers were the size of my hand. More lobsters and moran eels than I could count. Even a barracuda that took a stab at my glow stick one morning. A couple of small eagle rays that would come up in the shallows at dusk for feeding. And our first batfish that my wife found in the shallows near the inland one morning. My outlook on the whole big fish theory is that there is so many places for them to hide that if your not going slow and looking into the deep dark large holes in the wall you swimed by them. And when your not in the water take a walk along the piers. For all you Cocoview nuts out their my wife was named poncho #2. For when she was not in the water day or night she and poncho were together looking for fish or other marine life together. That is truely a great dog.
Cocoview resort was a place that fits for us. We went on vacation to dive and that is what this place gives you. The night life is slow if not dead. Their are several nights that the resort brings people over on the boats for entertainment but it is usually over by 9pm. The bar area is where everyone hangs out in the evening drinking or not to swap stories or the great sightings of the day. The food was good and for the first time in my life I left the country and didn't get sick. Steak and lobster night by far the best, but every night stay for desert for it was great every night. All that is required is that the males where a shirt in the dining area. You will not need any fancy cloths for there is not a reason. Now for people that are going to visit this resort get a room with a/c, for there was a couple of nights with no breeze. And for those who said there was no mosiquitoes how wrong you were, we were mobed several nights.
Over all we will return to Cocoview but would love to visit Bonaire next year for our big vacation.

Good report!

Thanks for the report from home, I needed it! I can't wait to meet Poncho, sounds like I'll have a boardwalk huntin buddy.

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