Cocos trip report & pix

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Ken Kurtis

Reaction score
Beverly Hills, CA
# of dives
5000 - ∞
thanks for posting, very well written and the photos look fabulous (D200 is a great camera). I've been thinking about visiting Cocos one of these days. The shark activity at night sounds very intriguing, I've seen footage of it on the Discovery Channel.
Ooh, just found this post now... Thanks Ken for the report on the Okeanos Aggressor. My friends and I are booked on it for August this year. And thanks for the excellent pics u/w and topside. Really appreciate when people take pics onboard a liveaboard, gives you a feel for the living conditions to expect.

Now to contain my excitement for another 8 months!:D
Thanks for the fabulous trip report. Very detailed and well written. NOW....I am even more tempted!! Planning to rob a bank soon if I do not find my sugar daddy soon :p
Planning to rob a bank soon if I do not find my sugar daddy soon :p

pss, Jovin... I'll PM you the combination code to enter the vault of our bank's Singapore branch..:eyebrow:
pss, Jovin... I'll PM you the combination code to enter the vault of our bank's Singapore branch..:eyebrow:

LOL...quick, quick...PM that. Anyway, I'm now planning a 13 days Malpelo and Cocos Island trip in 2008. Hopefully, they have spaces for us :)

Mike, write me a trip report when back. Have fun and all the best for seeing the pelagic..

:D BTW, there still might be few spots still available on the August Cocos Aggressor trip we're booked on.
Don't tempted me! I'd love to do Malpelo also. That's why I've chosen the Undersea Hunter charters.

Thanks anyway.
Great report, nice detail on the Aggressor op. Some very nice photos. Looking forward to our 08 Mapelo/Cocos trip.

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