Cocos island diving

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Largo Fla
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500 - 999
I am contemplating a trip to Cocos this Feb on one of the live-aboards. I was wondering if any board members have ever tried this and have any comments, either pro or con?

Not a lot of dive reports on this area.

There are only three liveaboards that currently do Cocos: the Okeanos Aggressor, the Undersea Hunter and the Sea Hunter. I've only been on the latter two boats and my 3 trips to date have been in June, July and September, so I can't speak for February, except that the months of peak demand are usually June thru August. If you go to their websites, each website features trip reports that go quite a few years back. That should give you an idea of what to expect at different months of the year.
Manuel....can you describe your experiences diving at Cocos for the trips you've been on?? Appreciate any details. Thanks!
i went to cocos in may 07. it's the best. sharks on every dive. hammerheads everywhere. whale sharks. mantas. the diving is a little advanced. most dives are close to or over 100 ft. you'll want to use nitrox. lots of current too.the ride out there is about 36-40 hours and lots of people got sick on my trip. once you're out there though it's calm. the big animals out there are amazing. close encounters with sharks. huge schools of fish. it is truly a prisitne barely touched environment. i'm going back june next year.
DiverDave: On every trip to Cocos that I made, I saw dolphins, mantas, tunas, wahoos, eagle rays, sometimes mobulas, marbled rays, and and at least 6 different species of sharks: scalloped hammerheads, enough to fill your field of view, white tip reef sharks, silvertips, Galapagos, silkies, and black tip. And if you're lucky, maybe whaleshark. I didn't see any in September 2004, nor in June 2005, but had over 12 sightings on our last trip in July this year. Tigers have also been seen but they are very rare for Cocos.

Then there are the big schools of Big Eye Jacks, barracudas, different types of snappers, and creolefish, along with all the rest of the reef fish.

Night dives are available in protected areas, and the most celebrated one is the one on the back side of Manuelita Island where literally hundreds of white tip reef sharks congregate and travel like a wolfpack hunting for reef fish.

Yes, the ride out can be murder, and yes, the diving here, with the currents, thermoclines, and sometimes rough surface conditions is best suited for advanced divers - but it is extremely rewarding. Again, I do not know what the conditions and the diving are like in February, which is why I suggest that you check on the boats' trip reports.

We were also very fortunate to be able to snorkel with a Mother Humpback and its calf. That's as far as what I've seen - but there is a whole lot of other stuff that has been seen that I have not yet seen. In Cocos, anything is possible. That's as far as the big stuff.
ok guys....thanks for the info and feedback....just what I was looking for!!
We just returned yesterday from a 10 day to Cocos on the Undersea Hunter (the smaller of the Hunter boats). We were also in Cocos in May of this year, and as Matt said saw HHs on every dive, but not much of any other big pelagics. This trip, however, was totally different. The thermocline had risen, in some cases, to around 60 feet (68 degrees!) so the HHs were very sparse until later in the week. The plus side was that we had green turtles and spotted eagle rays on every dive. A giant manta with us for almost an entire dive. And a private swim for me with 6 mobulas - probably one of the coolest things I have ever experienced. In May the currents were very mild - I thought everyone was exaggerating the currents. However, this trip was VERY rough. One particular dive was so bad it took us about 1000 pounds of air just to get down the anchor line. The currents remained strong throughout the week. I have heard that in Jan, Feb, and Mar the currents die down, but this also decreases the HH activity.
thanks NT!!

hopefully you can put together a bigger trip report, discussion flights & logistics and some pics for us to learn more??

AW - I put together a trip report and posted it in the general Central American area. I have posted a few photos as well.
Going to Cocos end of June/first of July 08 on the Undersea Hunter. Great advise here. Have a spare day before and 2 spare days after. Looking for things to do during those days.

Matt215 - you mentioned you are going to be there in June 08. What boat and what dates?

Just curious.


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