Cocos Is, Costa Rica

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Going to Cocos in Oct, yipee! Am deciding on which suit to take, a 5mm semidry or a dry suit. Help! I get cold even in tropical water, but the dry suit is crap in currents. Any advice would be appreciated, ta
The average temp in July was 80. I don't know what it is in Oct. I wore a 5mm with a 2 mm vest and was OK even in the thermolines which got to 72. Other divers were just wearing t-shirts or rash guards. I get cold easily too.
Hey FB, how's it going? sorry for hijack, but how was the trip? Did you write up a report?

I'm there in Nov. Some of the recent trip reports (on the underseahunter website) seemed to indicate that perhaps the major schools of hammerheads are perhaps now a thing of the past - tell me it's not so....

And also, are the Tigers still hanging around?

</end hijack>

I think FB's advice is likely sound from what I've heard. I think a dry suit would be way overkill. 5mm with vest sounds about perfect. I'll just have a 5mm. I'm a sweaty git :)

I wrote the report. I have to work on some photos to go with it but I've been incredibly lazy. But I must finish up because I have competitions with my camera club starting soon. As soon as I get it done, I'll post it. I promise.

Well, I did see a couple of schools with at least 80 or more hammers. Maybe there used to be more. Someone just posted a video on wetpixel that shows the size of the schools.
Hi FB,

Thanks for the update. I think 80 still classifies as a squadron :) - I was worried maybe there was a really significant drop in numbers. Doesn't sound like that's so.

Will dig around for your report. Checked out also the wetpixel vids - wow! Can't wait. Hope I get half the luck.

Our boat had two skiffs. The other group never saw the schooling hammers from below like we did, like how it was captured on the video. Just because you don't see them doesn't mean they're not there. I'm sure there used to be more though. The shark populations have definitely declined. Good luck. I hope you see them. It's an incredible sight.
Still in CR, just returning from latest Cocos trip. I have proof - the schooling hammers are still there. Photos and trip report to follow. In past five trips this was by far the best for schooling hammers.

Water temps sometimes as low as 75 on this trip. I dive a 3mm with 1mm underneath and a thin hood.
Still in CR, just returning from latest Cocos trip. I have proof - the schooling hammers are still there. Photos and trip report to follow. In past five trips this was by far the best for schooling hammers.

Back in Cocos AGAIN! I want your life :) It's hardly worth you going back home.

Glad to hear still lots of hammers, and that it was your best trip there. That's great - and generally reassuring - news indeed. I'll await the trip report with bated breath.

T -81 days :)

I was on the trip with NT, and yes, the hammers are still there. Schools 200-300 at Alcyone. Also saw schools at dirty Rock. Smaller schools at other sites. Alcyone was just amazing. They were above, below, on the sides, everywhere!! they just swam over us, and our bubbles didn't deter them.
the water was warm on top. there is an el nino right now. however, below the thermocline it was a cold. thermocline usually at about 60-70 ft, but sometimes shallower, sometimes none at all.
awesome trip overall. oh, and we saw a whale shark on the first day!!
I wonder if if was the same whale shark we saw on our last day. I guess we got them used to the bubbles for you.:wink:OK, that's it. I am finishing my photos this week and posting my trip report (that was written on the plane right back on 7/23). I know. I am a procrastinator. hee hee

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