CoCo View resort in April

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Reaction score
Cape Cod, MA
# of dives
100 - 199
I'm looking into going to CoCo View Resort in Roatan during April vacation - can anyone give me feedback if this is a good time to go? Also, I'm kind of new to ScubaBoard - can one find a dive buddy on here also?
April is a great time to go. As for finding a buddy, I wouldn't worry about that. The resort is really good at finding someone for you to dive with. I have been there several times and my wife doesn't dive, I've never had a problem with getting a buddy.

You are new to this board, so may I make a reccomendation? You have the Central America forum correct, but there is a sub forum for the Bay Islands. You might want to post there.

Another place, in fact the best place to ask questions about CoCoView is on the message board about CoCoView. It is a privately owned board that is run by CoCoView regulars, but has a link to it from CoCoView's website. Here is a shortcut. See you there!

CoCo Chat

Later, Hawk.

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