Looks like I need to do a few more postings on the site before I can send you a direct message.
I noticed the battery status had time to empty in Minutes which I'm guessing is min before batteries are dischared in sleep mode? Do I have this right? one unit indicated 1984 min to empty which is 33 hrs or 1 day + 9 hrs
I need to test if the units will stay charged lone enough for a two tank dive, about 1 hr each. If I connect to my Regulators, put in ready to dive mode and put in a tub with a foot of water would it simulate a dive for test purposes?
Once I have enough posts I'll try direct messaging you
I'll send you a message, that should get around the limitation.
The time to empty is based on current draw at the moment, not in sleep mode. We can't show sleep mode current as when the Cobalt is in sleep we can't run anything to measure it. To accurately measure sleep mode current we need to remove the battery and put the meter between the battery and the Cobalt.
The symptoms you describe could be caused by something preventing the Cobalt from going into sleep mode- if, for instance, the charging adapter were left connected shorting out the wet contacts, or the Cobalt is kept wet, the Cobalt won't fully go into sleep mode. Typically in sleep mode the Cobalt 2 should go down about 1-2% per day and hold a charge for 2-3 months at least. What you are describing is way out of line.
The normal use current you are showing of about 56 mA is exactly what it should be for a medium screen brightness. Screen brightness is the biggest factor in power use. So with a fully functioning battery you should be able to dive for 20-30 hours. Then normal failure path for Li-ion batteries is a gradual reduction in ability to hold a charge, so that can go down with time.
The flag on one of the Cobalts indicates that fast charging is disabled- we don't know why without a deeper look. It's possible the charger is detecting a problem with the battery on that unit.
But to answer your immediate concern, a few questions:
1) How long do these take to get to a fully charged state, and what does it say on the screen when charging is complete? We're trying to determine if the batteries are in fact fully charging.
2) What is the serial # of the Cobalts? This helps us to know the board version and date of manufacture.
3) Are both these Cobalt behaving the same? It would be pretty unusual to have two failing batteries, and the 2nd one shows as completely normal on the battery diagnostic screen.
Submerging just a foot or two isn't enough to keep the Cobalt in a dive mode. There is a workaround by going into a testing mode that will keep the Cobalt running. I'll send that in a direct message.