And if you elected to include language purporting to regulate the non-club diving activities of your club members, that it was your last day would be best for all involved.
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I didn't say that and I didn't suggest that any club has the right to regulate non-club diving activities.
It seems like you guys are beating up on a straw man, as far as I can tell, unless the OP confirms that yes, the club agreement in question does stipulate that you can't be a member of the club if you ever dive solo anywhere.
What I meant was that it's pretty unpleasant if one club member expects their fellow divers to put in a lot of volunteer labor planning dive trips, social events, and lectures but then treats them like some tyrant to be battled on principle instead of having a reasonable discussion. And if that's the approach to a difference of opinion, you won't have many people who care enough to do that volunteer work.
There's a big different between disagreeing with a policy and treating someone as the enemy without even hearing them out.
Here's how I would have responded when given the OP's club agreement:
"Hey, not sure I understand, but this agreement seems to say that I can't dive solo anywhere at any time if I want to be a club member. Is that what it's supposed to say?"
If the answer was no, then I would say "OK, I think that you need to edit the language, it's confusing as written, and I'm a certified solo diver and plan to continue solo diving. I understand if you don't want that on club sponsored outings, but that needs to be correctly reflected in this legal document."
If the answer was yes, then I would say "Well, I can't see how the club has a right to regulate what I do on my own time. Can you tell me what is behind this policy? It's pretty unusual as far as dive clubs go."
"OK, I see, well I don't think that this is a good idea at all, for the following reasons. How do members propose changes to the bylaws, what's the process for voting them in by the membership? Because while I would like to be a club member, I can't sign this as written, and I suspect that other divers might feel the same way."