JWC3 - I live in Raleigh and dive the NC coast several times a month and would like to extend an offer to dive with you sometime in the near future. I agree that you did everything right (except for not having an experienced buddy!), and in particular I give you kudos for NOT letting go of the descent line to drop down freely after Bob. No matter who is your buddy, you must never place yourself at risk over someone else's foolish actions. In fact, you should ask yourself - if Bob was NOT waiting at the anchor, what would you have done? Hopefully spent a minute there and then ascend to report a missing diver (and your ascent should have been slower than 30 fpm and performed your safety stop).
Anyway - NC/SC coastal diving is the best (and worst?) diving in the world, and I encourage you to hook up with one of us local Raleigh guys (or gals) and enjoy a safe, comfortable, planned dive in otherwise crazy waters!
P.S. - Diving this weekend on private 6 pack out of Morehead City - hoping for the Atlas and the Caribsea if the weather holds!