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Staff member
ScubaBoard Supporter
Reaction score
Boca Raton, Florida
# of dives
2500 - 4999
Do not contact this user about the special rules. Instead, please refer to the following post for the latest rules. If you have any questions, contact any moderator for clarification.
Special Rules (TOS) for the Classified Section -2024 Update

This forum exists as a customer service for the Scuba Community to facilitate commerce among our members. ScubaBoard does not attempt to verify any offers or claims. Therefore, we offer no warranty or guarantee, expressed or implied on the seller's validity, reputation or the quality, availability, serviceability, safety or usability of any product listed in this forum. Also, we will not attempt to provide any resolution to claims or counterclaims generated by the use of this forum. It's up to you to defeat any scammers, and yes, they do come here looking for easy prey. For help in that, please refer to How to Avoid Scams on ScubaBoard...

Threads in ScubaBoard's Classified Section can be either person to person, business to person or business to business. We will not endeavor to differentiate between who's commercial and who's not. You will also have to be approved to post in our classifieds section. Expect a short delay on your first post.

Please review all of these rules prior to posting messages...
  • You must have at least 25 posts and have joined the Marketplace User Group!
    • No exceptions!
    • Stupid posts may be deleted at our discretion.
    • There's always EBay and Craigs List if this is too onerous for you.
  • Place your item in the appropriate forum that best describes (classifies) your item(s).
    • If a Classifieds section does not exist under a forum, you may post your offer there except for the "Green Zones"
  • Users are limited to one thread per item to be sold. Do not post duplicate threads.
  • Non-Scuba items must be posted in our forum.
  • Accepted methods of paymentand any anticipated shipping costs should be included in the original post.
    • In person transactions are almost always the safest
    • Avoid the use of money orders, Zelle, or "Friends and Family" on PayPal
  • No bumping. You may only reply to questions or post a change in the item's status, availability or price.
  • DO NOT Post competing offers in someone else's thread. If you have a similar item to sell, or a better price on the same item. Post your OWN THREAD.
Marking your Thread 'Sold"
In order to make the marketplace more efficient as soon as your as soon as your transaction is completed (meaning you sold an item, bought an item or completed a trade) we ask that the original poster report their post with the reason "SOLD". Staff will gladly step in and change it from "For Sale" to "Sold"

Additional Forum Information:
Any thread(s) may be combined, edited or removed at the discretion of the staff or Moderator.

Protect Yourself
Any attempt to use this forum for fraudulent or abusive purposes will be met with consequences. Users who knowingly defraud others will have their account permanently banned and authorities may be notified depending on the situation. ScubaBoard does not have any knowledge as to the accuracy of any posting or transaction, please use common sense before sending payment. Again, please refer to How to Avoid Scams on ScubaBoard...

All items are to be presumed to by owned by the Original Poster. Payments should only be made to the Original Poster. People sending you an email to someone else who might have the item should be reported. This is a common way to scam you.

If you have questions about posting in this forum, please ask a moderator prior to making your post!
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