Classified listing removed?

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I have been a Scubaboard Supporter the past two years (I haven’t been flipped back to red yet)
Thanks for your support! You've been "flipped"! @Wookie beat me to it, so thanks to the Wook as well!
I'm only guessing, but all your posts in the last year have been selling stuff, and almost all your posts period are selling stuff. That may violate the new classified posting policy that sales are for SB participants, and just selling is not being a participant. Just guessing.
No, we don't have a policy that will limit people -just- selling in the marketplace. However, our users look on those who only sell with a bit of disdain, as you have demonstrated. In case anyone hasn't noticed, we definitely differentiate between divers and sellers here. SB users are astute, so sellers beware! Users aren't afraid to report fidiocy when they see it and they do that at warp speed! We love it when they do!!!

No, we don't make any money off of any transactions here on SB. We just don't. However, we certainly work hard to keep the scammers and spammers to a minimum. To do this we need your continued help and vigilance. The most recent scam is to get an unsolicited DM telling the user that they should reach out to an email to get the product. PLEASE DON'T! Report that DM to us instead. Yes, you can report a DM just like you can a post. Outing these scammers is important to making our marketplace as safe as possible. You are our most important resource in beating these jerks before they rip anyone off. We are eager to spam-hammer scammers. We just need your help to ID who they are.
I thought I was going to learn a new word today, but unfortunately Google doesn't recognize it either.
I am known to use F-bombs often, just not around kids. Just replace the "f" with your favorite f-word and you'll get it. Fugly is another iteration in that line of thought. I tend to avoid sesquipedalians.
I am known to use F-bombs often, just not around kids. Just replace the "f" with your favorite f-word and you'll get it.
I did what you said and I still can't find it when I search on fartidiocy.
I did what you said and I still can't find it when I search on fartidiocy.
It's only in NetDoc's fictionary, I guess. :D :D :D
While your thread is in the queue, it will look like a deleted thread from your point of view. In this case, your thread took us a few hours to get to, and then it was approved.
Thanks for the clarification. The post did show up in the thread after submitting. It had a red shield next to it signifying it was waiting approval. When I came back later, it no longer showed up in the thread which made me think it was deleted.
Thanks for the clarification. The post did show up in the thread after submitting. It had a red shield next to it signifying it was waiting approval. When I came back later, it no longer showed up in the thread which made me think it was deleted.
I believe once you're approved, you won't have to go through that process again. @Brett Hatch should be able to verify this for us. The mods are empowered to make decisions and implement them without my OK. We are run by their consensus, and I love it. I believe that this is the healthiest way for SB to exist. I refuse to micromanage.
Our sysadmin has it set up such that every single new thread needs mod approval, even if the user has been approved in the past :)
Our sysadmin has it set up such that every single new thread needs mod approval, even if the user has been approved in the past :)
A human being making a judgment call on something like this is far, far better than any coded algorithm will ever be. However, it makes for a lot of manual work for the moderators, so a really big THANK YOU to the sysadmin and the mods for working to making your marketplace as safe as possible.
Thanks! We're doing our best. And as Pete said, the very most important part of keeping the markets safe and useful, is for all of you to keep your eyes peeled for suspicious stuff, and report anything that smells scammy right away. As you say, judgement calls are pretty good at separating a good deal from a deal that's too good to be true. Cheers

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