GREAT report, ladies! Sounds like you accepted the challenge and came out better divers for it. I enjoyed reading your versions of the training, sounds like you made up the perfect buddy team.
And just in case you're interested, the Spring MegaDive will be held at Ginnie Springs the weekend of April 1, ijs...
Thanks Joyce! On the Megadive, we are womanning the SB booth at BTS that weekend

Perrone aka Donna's SPF

Congratulations guys on your accomplishment and on a great experience. Very proud of both of you for going for it.
... and sorry for chiming in late - I lost track of this thread, "hidden" as it is in the scary cave section of SB.
Maybe some day ... but probably not
Thanks Inspector

I have done many dives with both of you and I think Perrone chose the best word. You both are great above and below the surface. Congratulations to both of you. The cave world is lucky to have you both.
awww :blush: thanks buddy

Well, I'm sorry we won't rendezvous in March, but I will keep you guys posted as to future Mexico diving plans. I'd love to dive with the two of you!
Yes, please keep us posted :bounce4: