City of Houston 9/1/12 Trip Report

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Wilmington, NC
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Went out to the City of Houston yesterday, not the city, but the shipwreck that sank in 1878 off Frying Pan Shoals. Went out there with NitroxDon on his vessel the Unforgiven. Not a shabby day. The wreck is about 90 feet deep. I rolled off the boat, turned over and you could see the wreck. Yep, it was that kind of day. I was further rewarded that my scooter ride down the anchor line didn't go through a layer of cold water. It was 85 top to bottom. Vis was excellent, horizontal and vertical. Horizontal vis was really only glummed up by the plethora of fish blanketing the Houston. I scootered all around the wreck, at various altitudes. I'm gonna try to put together a video, and hope that it comes out well.

Highlight of the dive was a Goliath Grouper that was hanging out underneath the fantail and rudder. I got some pictures and video of the Goliath with my GoPro. I wished he would have come out free swimming, but it was still pretty cool to see such a large fish. What a priveledge. What a fantastic day on the Houston. Aquatics was anchored right next to us, so they should have had a bunch with similar results. Video coming.
Great dive and great finds

I dove this with AS that same day and recall seeing The Unforgiven next to us - saw you guys zooming around on your scooters during my SI. I also saw the Goliath when he was up toward the bow (he got spooked and heading aft), but more importantly picked up a silver plated spoon (fully intact) and a .44 bullet during my digging - both circa 1878. Awesome finds on a ship that is known for its artifacts but rarely gives up more than china/porcelain.

Colt .45 Bullet - Before and After.jpgSpoon and Bullet - CoH Wreck.jpg

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